Chapter 2 • Beep

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April 9, 2019
My heart is beating 5,000 miles an hour. The brown curly haired girl is next to meet them. To meet them you have to walk into another room so, we haven't seen them yet. I've never met them nonetheless any celebrity. With all my thinking i see the door open in front of me.

Oh.My.God. my heart beats and i start to feel light headed i then see them glissining into darkness. Black. Everything went black.

beep beep beep. The constant ringing sound of beeping going off in my head. Ow jesus! my head feels like i got hit with a bat. My eyes slowly flutter open to see 3 white walls, a chair with a nurse in it? Where am i- the thoughts start rushing back into my head as i lay here still semi unconscious. I quickly sit up as the nurse runs over to me and tells me to lie down.

She tells me that i fainted and fell and got a concussion. I start to close my eyes to try to wake up from this bad dream but, as i thought it wasn't. I ask the nurse why i fainted and she said that as i was walking into the room where the boys were my heart was beating too fast and i fainted.

I i feel a drop of water slide down my cheek as i realize i didn't meet the boys or see them preform. i look over to the clock on the wall and it said 11:45pm the boys would probably be just leaving now. My one chance of meeting them. Gone. out the window, i turn over and quickly fall back asleep.

I felt like i was being watched as i was sleeping but that's impossible right? When i wake up im turned onto the right side of my body facing the window. My eyes re adjust to the small lightness in the room and the nurse comes around to my side of the bed and tells me theirs a suprise for me. Confused enough from today i have no clue what could be suprise me because i have no family. She tells be to slowly turn around and stay calm. I feel a presence behind me. As i slowly turn like the nurse said and see a short curly haired bo- holy shitoki mushrooms thats jack avery


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