Chapter 4 • Formal redo

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Makena's POV
"Wait what- what are you doing here"
"When you fainted at the meet and greet i wanted to make sure you were okay, we were all worried and i wanted to make sure you were okay"
" Oh.. Well hi" i say with a big smile on my face. I grabbed my head because who knew smiling with a cuncussion hurts.
"Hi" he gigles
"Here can i give you a hug i feel like you need one."
"Oh my god no you dont have t-" just as i was saying that i felt a warm hug embrace around me.
I squeeze just as much.
He pulled away and is still holding onto my arms.
He looks at me and says
"ok so you seem pretty chill and im going to go with my gut and trust you on what im about to do."
My first thought is oh my god is he going to kiss me but then, i checked back into reality.
"Here, this is my phone number"
He wrote it down on a little hospital sticky note because the docter told me im not aloud to go on my phone for a week. kill me.

A slow and lonely week goes by.
panic attack after panic attack.
My anxiety does not help the fact that i in the hospital with a concussion and with nobody beside me. Music is like an escape to me. I play piano and guitar and i try to sing. Music helps me during panic attacks aswell.
Since i cant listen to music this week i also write music so at least i had that.
1 week later
Jack Makena
Hey who is this?
oh ya hey! how are
you feeling?
ok, i guess i
kinda feel like
oh sorry to hear
that i still feel so
No dont its
my dumb fault lol
Anyways ive had more time to
             work on my own music and
                     the real world i guess.
                               thats good at least
wait? you make music
its more of a hobby
but itry
well if i ever see you
again you have to
show me deal?
no trust
me you dont
want to hear me sing
Yes i do
so its done
next time is see you
your gonna sing for me
i promise youll be the
first to hear it
and who says i can
see you again you
realize your tickets
and meet and greet
are insanely expensive
and sold out
Ill pay for you;)
haha youre kidding
Nope lets say its
a formal redo
oh i see you avery
alright what show
dont make it to
far from here cause
i cant pay for a plane
No thats on us
too come to the L.A
show. On me i swear
its not a big deal
you deserve to get your day
alright see you then
Woohoo we love that i put out another chapter!

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