Chapter 5 • ;)

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Daniel's POV
Jack's been texting this girl alot lately and i think its the girl from the toronto show who fainted. Ive kinda wanted to ask for her number from him because i wanted to apologize and tell her something.
As many people know i remember fans really easily. I dont know how but its one of my many talents. wow that sounded conceded. Well when i was on American Idol im pretty sure she came and met me.
She looks alot diffierent now but the same you could say. Jack came into the lounge where Tyler, the guys and i were.

"Hey so you know the girl who fainted in Toronto well her names Makena for one. And shes coming to the L.A show"
Jonah:"L.A? does she not live in Canada.
"Ya well i offered to pay for her flight and gave her a free ticket and
Tyler:"You realize how dumb you sound? First of all you gave a stranger your number, You paid for a flight for her, and you want us to meet her again when last time she passed out. We cant risk that again Jack"
"Too bad, i know its a little crazy but there was something different about her, and not like i love you kinda way in like your really chill lets be friends kinda way"
Zach:"Alright Jack but when she comes and tries to kill us all and becomes a sociopath thats on you."
" I swear Zach, she's different."
Daniel:" Hey, is there any chance you could give me her number?"
"Sure, just don't overwhelm her. Pass me your phone."
I hand jack my phone and take it back right after.

Daniel                                   Makena
Hey, its Daniel
                                         Daniel who?           
Seavey ring a bell?
                                       oh my god hi       
                                             this is the
                                      last person id
                     expect texting me lmao                                        
Yeah, Lmao
just checking
on you from the
show. How are you?
Jacks always talking
about you so i was just
                                        Oh, well im  
                                         doing okay.
            But jacks talking about me?
Umm ya he kinds is
always talking about
how chill and
sweet you are.
         Wow, im not blushing you are
Roflmao, Umm also
Have you met me before?
                               Ya at the concert?
No like before that?
                       Oh ya... i came and      
                         met you when you       
                            were on AI haha
I knew it! I
remembered you.
insane huh.
                              ya insane. look

oh my god we were so young

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oh my god we
were so young.
maybe jack was
right about you
You are really
chill haha Zach kept
making jokes about how
you were gonna be a
sociopath or something
               how do you know im not ;)

Whatever then im risking my life:)
Alright i have to go to
bed cause its 2 Am here
and we have a show
tomorrow but ill see
you in a week ;)
                                                ;) see ya

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2018 ⏰

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