Chapter 5

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As soon as I opened my eyes, I began to slowly look around the room- ignoring the fact that I could barely see at the present moment. Eventually, I was face to face with another individual, who I couldn't see clearly.

"Who... Are you...?" I asked grogily, squinting my eyes slightly as if it would help me see.

"Ah! You're awake! Thank goodness..." The strange individual exclaimed. Eventually, my vision cleared, enabling me to see the stranger, Kurosuke. He handed me a sandwich, as well as a glass of water.

"You might have heard the rumours about food in this game, but you still need to eat, even if it isn't very pleasant. But if you have water with it, it can somewhat drown out the gross taste." Looking at the sandwich placed in front of me, I hesitantly picked it up, my hands were shaking at the thought of it being somewhat deadly to eat. As soon as I bit into the food item, I couldn't stop eating until it was gone, I didn't even have time to react to the lack of sandwich when I was finished, paying no attention to the horrible taste the sandwich provided as well, well, not until a few minutes after consuming the sandwich. Making a disgusted face, I quickly grabbed the class of water, sculling its contents within seconds, much like the sandwich.

"Well, that was a different reaction from what I was expecting, at least you didn't spit it out like other people- but then again, you were starving," Kurosuke explained.

"I did find you collapsed in front of the Pokémon Centre, this PKer disguised as a Rocket Grunt even-" I immediatly launched off the bed as soon as he mentioned the PKer, grabbing him by the shirt as soon as my feet touched the floor, my face almost as read as the tomatoes in that sandwich.

"W-W-What did he do?!" I exclaimed.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! Calm down! Nothing happened from what I could see! He was just using your hand to accept a request for a battle, if you were unconscious, you could have ended up losing and, y'know... So I stepped in before he could do that and challenged him!" He shouted in responce, holding his hands up in defence. After a few seconds, I slowly released my grip, letting out a frustrated sigh.

"And I won, by the way. He should be in jail now for his almost committed crime, there are jails here, y'know, although I've only seen one people being sent to one, anyway..."

"Is that all? Is that everything that happened while I was unconscious?" I questioned. Kurosuke was silent for a few moments, trying to recall anything. After a few minutes, he clapped his hands together.

"Yup! There was something! After I defeated that grunt, the gym leader of this town asked for you to be the next person to face him. Of course, since you were unconscious, he asked me to pass on the message once you woke up. As well as that, I get to face him in battle next!" Kurosuke exclaimed.

"Although, I'm kinda curious... Why just us two? Maybe it's 'cause you're challenging all the gyms in Kanto in such a short amount of time, he must be eager to battle you? I dunno..." He shook his head slightly after he spoke, shrugging as well.

"Well then, why don't we go now?" I asked.

"Wait... Now? Are you sure you don't want to rest a little? I mean... You just woke up after collapsing from starvation, don't you want to take it easy in case it happens again?" He responded. I shook my head.

"No. I'd rather challenge him as soon as possible." I responded, letting out a sigh. I headed for the door, hearing the other follow right after me.


Once we arrived at the gym, we were ordered to wait outside, most likely for the current challenge to end. While we waited, I rearranged my team. Knowing fully well that Giovanni used Ground-type Pokémon, I made sure that Venusaur was at the front of the party, with Vaporeon and Alakazam next in line, in case Venusaur was knocked out- or rather killed.

"Amika... Amika!" Kurosuke exclaimed, waving a hand in front of my face. I flinched a little, waving away the menu before turning my attention to the male.

"We can go in now." After he spoke, he held the door open, gesturing for me to walk inside. Nodding slightly, I stepped inside, into pitch darkness.

The darkness didn't last long. As soon as both of us had stepped inside, a single, yet quite large, light above the battlefield suddenly flashed to life, startling me quite a bit. There wasn't much else here aside from the battlefield, however, it looked as if the walls of the gym had hidden something, at least, that was the feeling I had, just thinking about it made a chill run down my spine.

"So, this is the legendary Amika I have heard so much about, hmm?" Giovanni asked. Facing the gym leader, I gave a slight nod.

"As my friend here has told me, you've challenged me to a battle, correct? I would like to get this battle finished as soon as possible, so... If we could start now." I bluntly explained, walking over to the battlefield to take my position. Not even objecting to what I had said, Giovanni walked over to the opposite side of the battlefield, while Kurosuke stood next to a wall.

"Once I have this badge, it's straight to the Elite Four, then the Champion, then hopefully a way out of this game..." I muttered to myself. Grabbing one of the Pokéballs at my side, Venusaur's, I threw it into the battlefield, sending out the grass-type Pokémon.

"No hesitation, huh... Just because you have the type advantage, it doesn't mean that you can be so confident in your victory!" Giovanni exclaimed, sending out a Ryhorn.

"Venusaur! Use Razor Leaf!" I shouted. Letting out a sound similar to a battle cry, bunch of leaves shot out from the grass-type Pokémon's back, flying straight for the Rhyhorn. Even though the attack wasn't very strong in terms of power, due to Venusaur's stats, the attack itself did quite a lot of damage to the opposing Ryhorn, so much that it was KOed.

"Yes! Critical hit!" I exclaimed excitedly. The battle seemed to continue with all odds in my favour, defeating three of his Pokémon within minutes, which seemed to agitate my opponent. As soon as Giovanni sent out his fourth Pokémon, he simply nodded towards one of his subordinates, who took a few steps backwards in response, pressing a button on the wall. Once the button was pressed, the walls on the left and right seemed to retract, folding into a single piece, sliding along a track towards the back of the room. Yet that was the least of my problems.

What was quite troublesome, however, was that the folding walls hid something, two large grandstands, both large enough to hold about twenty people each, both filled with people.

My eyes widened, darting left to right, horrified. I could never handle large crowds, a fear that stemmed back quite a few years. I could feel myself trembling drastically, I was sure as hell that everyone else could see it as well, although I had no way of telling. I could hear the cheering rapidly turn to a loud squealing sound, like a high-pitched screech, however, it quickly came to a stop.

Seconds after my vision turned black.

A/N: I planned on having this finished BEFORE I went overseas, but sadly, I didn't.

Although I had wi-fi while I was on holidays, I couldn't find time to write.

Well... Putting that aside, I do have ideas for the next few chapters, so I'll probably have chapters up soon, in a few days maybe, depending on how busy I am with school, I have exams coming up anyway...

Also, posting on mobile is weird, the text is so small... Dx

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