Chapter 16: Malice Pt2

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Once we arrived in Veilstone City, we snuck over to the warehouse that connected with Team Galactic's base. Taking the keycard out of her inventory, Minori promptly swiped it down the interface, the doors quickly opening.

"Let's go, I'll show you guys the way to the leader's office." Minori whispered. As she ran through the building, jumping on warp panels to new areas, we quickly followed after her. With her instructions, we seemed to make it to the office quite quickly. Once we made it, we all began to search through the office, with Haruka quickly jumping onto the computer that was sitting nearby.

However, we quickly begun to realize that there was nothing in the office that would help us find out what truely happened with Cyrus.

"Dammit... Is there really nothing here?!" Minori scowled in frustration, smacking her fist against the desk.

"So... The traitor returns, as expected." With an unknown voice speaking up, we all diverted our attention to the source, a cloaked man standing in the entrance to the office.

"You...!" Minori snarled, standing up from her seat. She took a Pokeball from her belt, ready to fight.

"You'd better tell me what actually happened with Cyrus or I swear I'll kick your ass!"

"Now now, let's all calm down here. I'm sure you already know the answer yourself. I may have lied to Team Galactic about how exactly he vanished, yet he's dead. You'd have to be a fool to think otherwise." He spoke.

"Cut the crap! That's impossible! There's no way he could be dead!" Minori shouted.

"And what if I said there was proof, hm?" Stepping closer to the desk, he materialized a crystal, which hovered just above it.

"W-What...?" Minori mumbled. She stared at the crystal for a moment, before looking back at the rest of us.

"Just tap the crystal, if you're so insistent on what happened to him." He spoke. Hesistantly, Minori tapped the top of the crystal. A beam of light shot out of it, projecting a kind of video onto a nearby wall.

"You do know that, as a player in this game, you can do more than in the original games, right? So why are you being so idiotic and staying with the script?" The cloaked man spoke in the video, which showed an image of a sword, before moving to another who was lying on the ground, seemingly paralysed, Cyrus.

"Because, I dislike needless fighting and murder, much like with what you have planned. If it means sticking with the script, so be it." Cyrus responded. To be honest, it looked as if he were struggling to stay in character- if I remember correctly, wasn't he supposed to be super stoic? Probably.

There wasn't anymore speaking after that, only murder. The man's sword swinging towards the other. I didn't actually end up watching after that, yet the sound of pixels shattering was enough for me to figure it out. I just looked away, looking over at Minori, who was staring at the screen with a look of pure rage.

"N-No... Dad..." Minori quietly mumbled. Hearing what she said, I gasped a little in shock. Cyrus- or rather the person playing him- was her dad?!

"He was your father?! How lame, you still play video games with your dad?" He exclaimed. Minori glared at him, jumping over the desk before swinging a punch at him. After her fist connected with his face, knocking him back a few steps, Haruka hesitantly walked over to her.

"You...! You...! Ass! You freaking ass!" Minori shouted, hurling a collection of other insults towards him, all while repetitively throwing punches. Haruka stepped towards Minori, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Please, try to calm down. Attacking him won't bring him back." Haruka muttered.

"What do you know?! I bet you still have family who's alive!" Minori shouted.

"Just listen to me! Please, you can get your revenge another way." Haruka explained. As she tried to get Minori to calm down, the man ended up running away.

"Dammit..." Minori scowled. Alarms began to sound in the room, presumably alerting the grunts that were in the building.

"Look. We can come back later, yet for now, we need to get out of here, fighting all these grunts on the way would be more trouble than it's worth, believe me," Haruka explained, taking a Teleport crystal out of her inventory, raising it in the air.

"Teleport!" A light enveloping our entire group, we ended up outside in a blink.

"One, two, three... Yep, we're all here." I counted.

"I... I don't..." Minori muttered. She glanced down at the ground, tears falling from her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll help you get revenge... Although, I don't exactly know how." I responded.

"I do," Cayden spoke. Sorting through his inventory, he pulls out a piece of paper, showing it to Minori.

"I found this, locked away in a drawer. Honestly, you'd think they'd have higher security, even someone with no lock-picking skill could break it." Hesitantly, Minori took the note, looking over it.

"My da- no... Cyrus wrote it. It seems like... He managed to hear of their plans before he... he, y'know," Minori mumbled. After she finished reading, she let out a sigh.

"We'll... Have to stop them at that battle tournament. They plan on betraying the player's trust of security for the competition and... killing everyone there, starting with the winners. They're going to bring in other PKers to help with it." There was a heavy silence in the group after she read that, it seemed like it would take some time to form a plan, perhaps we would need to ask for help from the Assault Team, or perhaps one of the larger guilds. No matter, the competition wasn't for a few days, we had time to make a plan.

"We'll do it, we'll definitely stop them." I responded.

"I believe you guys, don't worry," After she spoke, Minori smiled a little, looking up at the sky.

"Funny. I never noticed it, but the stars shining in the sky, they look much clearer than in real life, y'know?" We all began to look up at the sky, agreeing with what she said. Moments later, Minori gasped in surprise.

"Hey, y'know how you guys are currently a nameless guild, right? Well, I may have just thought of a good name for you guys."

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