CHAPTER FOUR: I'd Rather Dare

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"Hey, cut it out Theara," Levi scowled from a greater distance than her captors. "We told you this would happen. We aren't making your escape of the woods easy for a reason. You have to learn a lesson."

Seriously, Levi? One moment you claim to be the good guy, and the next you act up like this. I don't have time for this.

The truck bumped over a rocky road, rattling the cabin. The guys continued their bantering and she kept as still as a mouse, determined not to let them see her wound. After several minutes of rough driving, the truck slammed to a sudden stop. She didn't need her vision to know they were too drunk to drive.

"Come on princess," someone yanked her out and smacked her on the butt as they shoved her forward.

She cringed, feeling powerless. Her energy and blood ebbed away as they went on foot into the woods, making her nauseous. Branches broke beneath their footsteps, bringing back memories of the sickening sound of bones being snapped.

"Here we are," Jake spoke up, winding a rope around her shoulders and arms. "Don't underestimate us again."

She felt his callous fingers tracing her jawline. On reflex, she withdrew. Jake scoffed and stepped back. Footsteps faded into the distance, and trucks roared away. She heaved a sigh of relief and collapsed into a blanket of leaves. Somehow they didn't notice her wound.

"Okay, just focus now," she chided herself and breathed deeply. The forest succumbed to sounds of the night, soothing her tearing wound. She didn't care about whatever lurked in the woods, hyperthermia or getting lost. She just needed to heal.

Images of her stepdad floated through her mind.

Blood running a rivulet out his mouth and wounds all down the passage and dripping onto the car's backseat.

Glazed eyes staring at her, never blinking. She forced the image out, and towed the silence back in.

That's what she thought, until she heard rustling nearby. "Who's there?" she called, making out how the noise was getting closer. And closer. The blindfold fell from her eyes, revealing a figure crouched before her.

"Are you okay?" the low voice asked, extending helpful hands that undid her ropes.

She squinted to see the shadowed face, but she knew the voice well enough. "Levi? What are you doing here? Won't this get you in trouble?"

"No, I'll be in trouble if I break any rules. You dared me to have you home before nine, remember?"

She had completely forgotten about curfew. "Is there even hope to make that deadline?"

Levi pushed the ropes off her shoulders and let his hands slide down to her side. He turned so she could see his face. "I'm not worrying about me making it."

Theara blushed at his touch spreading over her side. He hadn't forgotten what he had seen. "Just do your part."

Levi swept her into his arms and carried her. "Kinda can't if your dead, Theara."

She would've protested him picking her up, but she knew full well her knees would give in if she tried to walk. "Just dumping my body before nine on my mom's doorstep would be honourable enough," she snorted.

"Don't joke like that," he glared and lowered her into the seat. Once they were in, he jumped right to it. "How did you get that wound?"

"We aren't playing your truth or dare anymore Levi. And I don't intend to play it ever again," she winced, clutching her side.

"It's not my game," his face twisted in conflict. "Should I take you to a hospital?"

"No!" she blurted, before taking a deep breath and speaking softer. "No. They can't help me."

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