Chapter Two: Jamie's POV

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Jamie's POV

Mom and I had made the extremely difficult journey to collect Jemma from New York. It hadn't been difficult physically, but it had shaken us both emotionally. I spent the majority of the flight in tears; a part of me still couldn't believe my dad had passed away. I was in complete shock, and it happened to be at 30,000 feet in the air that I would freak out and burst into a fit of painful tears... to the point I couldn't even sit in my seat. Mom frantically rushed behind me to ensure i was okay... it was going to be a long flight.

After about an hour of hiding in the toliet, clutching at my sides because the pain of crying hurt so much, mom finally managed to get me back to my seat. Most of the passengers glared as I walked past; I looked like some rebel. Mom quickly explained to the flight attendants that I had suffered a massive loss when my father died, and they were extremely sympathetic. Once I was back in my first-class seat, mom wrapped her comforting arms around my trembling, tiny figure. My blonde curls were tattered now; tears had destroyed them.

The rest of the flight I settled in my seat, still unable to stop the fountain of tears that flowed from my aching eyes. After we picked Jemma up from the police station, we would be back on a plane, heading home. Jemma would be coming back to Malibu with us; she had spent several hours at the police station since she discovered dad's body in the kitchen of their apartment.

After spending all of seven hours in New York (my first ever time to "The Big Apple"), we boarded the plane back to Malibu. Mom struggled to comfort us both as our seats were scattered amongst first class due to last-minute bookings. Mom was seated next to Jemma after the lovely lady sitting in that seat offered to swap when Jemma was unable to stop from crying hysterically. After a little while, I went and sat on mom's lap, and she managed (just) to wrap her arms around us both.

As we arrived in Malibu, mom informed us that Jen's flight was only an hour away. We would wait for her, rather than returning here in an hour's time (it would take us half an hour to get there).

"Jem... welcome back to Malibu," I tried so hard to cheer us all up. It was hard, though.

"Thanks, Little J," she said, giving me a weak smile through all of her tears.

"I'm gonna go get us some snacks," mom said softly. "Take a seat, girls."

Jemma and I sat alongside each other. I was unsure what to say at a time like this.

"I've missed Malibu," Jemma said after about half a minute. "It's so... beautiful."

"I bet dad will like being buried here," I whispered, my voice still breaking. "Rather than New York."

"New York killed him, literally leaving a hole in him," Jemma said, trying not to cry. "He won't wanna be buried there, but he'll love it here. He was considering... he thought about us moving back here, Jamie. I was excited; I would actually get to see my baby sister."

"What do you think Jen looks like now?" I asked, frowning.

"Umm... probably even more like mom," Jemma smiled. "She always looked like her more than you or I ever did."

"You look like dad, Jem," I grinned. We had found memories to make us smile again in this darkest of times.

"You look like both mom and dad," she said, smiling wider. "You're the only one who is a mixed combo."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Sure is. It means no-one will ever doubt if mom is your real mom, or if dad was your real dad."

"Oh... I guess that's good."

"Uh-huh. Told you so."

"God! I have missed having my big sistef helping me understand what doesn't come naturally to me!"

"I've missed your beautiful blond curls! My dark brown, dead straight hair envies you."

"I love you, Jem Jem. Don't ever forget that."

"Aww! That's what you said to me three years ago... when I was leaving. It made me cry then... and, well now, I'm already crying! But it's making more tears, if that's any consolation."

"I know. That's why I said it. But I didn't think you'd rememeber!"

"I remember everything, J."

"You always did."

We managed weak laughs before mom returned with armfuls of sweets. I was hungry, so I grabbed a chocolate bar that slipped and hit the ground. It tasted so good... it made me remember when dad would bring some home for us after work. I looked outside at the glorious sunrise. It was perfect.

After what seemed like forever, we made our way to the gate that Jennifer would be exiting from.

As we looked amongst the passengers flowing like running water from the plane, I spotted Jennifer's tearful yet detectable face amongst the chaos. I heard mom gasp in shock... she hadn't changed that much... maybe just gained a bit of weight.

Then Jemma nudged me and alerted me to what mom was gasping at. Jennifer was dressed in a frilly top that was entirely unlike her... one that covered her swollen stomach. But...

Oh, yes. My sister was clearly pregnant. And worse...

None of us even had the slightest knowledge of this.

Judging by the look on Jen's face, she had been hiding this... perhaps too afraid to tell.

Mom near-feinted as she realised something we'd never considered. At all.

She was set to be a grandmother.

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