2 - There's this crazy car parked outside...

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Peter got back home, humming softly to the sound of the music that rang out from the earbuds, 'your left hand's free' playing in his ears. He was supposed to go to Ned's today, but his 'guy in the chair' had almost spilled the fact that Peter's Spiderman! No way that he will forgive him soon. It would take him at least a day. Unfortunately, they had to lie to their classmates and say that 'Peter knows Spiderman', but Peter thought it was better then reveal himself to the school.

Luckily, Peter was able to contact aunt May and tell her that he canceled his visit to Ned, and said that he was going straight home.

He walked to May's apartment, and was really surprised as he saw an absolutely beautiful and expensive-looking car parked right outside of it. There weren't a lot of those in his neighborhood.

He walked in the building, completely ignoring anything but his music, and soon walked into the old apartment. He closed the door behind him, saying "hi May" as the song ended. He heard her asking him "how was school today?" which he replied with a simple and completely fake "it was okay" he started walking to his room, getting his bag of his back and starting a conversation with May before even looking up.

"There's this crazy car parked outside" he begun as he looked at her, but trailed as he found out that Tony Stark, genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, is sitting on the couch, sipping what he assumed was tea out of a ridiculous, green painted mug.

"Oh, mister Parker!" he said, as he just noticed that Peter was in the room.

Peter, shocked, plunged his earbuds out of his ears, and awkwardly stuttered out some words. "Um wha-what are you doin- hey, I- I'm –I'm Peter" the billionaire just looked at him fondly, and replied a casual "Tony".

"What'reyou- what're you- what are you doing here?!" Peter hated the fact that he stuttered in front of his idol, but he still couldn't believe that Tony-freaking-Stark sat in his living room.

"It's about time we met" he replied. "you've been getting my emails, right?" Tony winked secretly at Peter, "RIGHT?". May only looked at teenager, with shock and happiness written all over her face as she mouthed the words 'what?!' and 'what emails?!'

"Y-yeah" Peter replied slowly, "regarding the- uh" he trailed of as May said "you didn't tell me about the grant" "--About the grant!" he said quickly, and Tony continued; "the September Foundation" he said, "remember when you applied?" Peter's mind was racing now. He didn't apply to anything at Stark Industries, he wasn't even in the right age to apply... what motives could Tony Stark have to visit his house then? " yeah" Peter answered, now a bit of confusion showing on his face. "I approved," Tony continued, and Peter's breath hitched, "and now, we're in business."

"I-is this grant got money involved or whatever? No?" he asked, not knowing what to expect. "Yeah, it's pretty well funded, look who you're talking to." Tony then looked over at May, pointing at Peter. "Can I have five minutes with him?" and she simply answered. "sure".

As they walked into Peter's room, Peter was almost jumping up and down. A grant? From Tony Stark? This has to be the best day ever.

He walked in, and so did Tony. He turned around, just to see that Tony locked the door. Now Peter got confused. What was so important that he needed to lock the door to assure privacy?

But on second thought, his Spidey-sense didn't start tingling, not at all. It must be something small yet important, as Tony's face were grim.

"So, listen here kid. I am looking for some guy- you probably had heard his name, he got pretty famous lately- named 'Spiderman'". He started, and Peter felt like his head is about to explode. He was looking for me?! "And, let me tell you, it's not as simple as it sounds. The guy has a mask, you see. I figured that he cant be older than twenty, but I can't really know where he works-obviously- so I searched in some high schools instead, just to be sure. I asked some kids some questions, and someone –I think his name was Eugene or something- said that you know who he is. So here I am, asking you- could you tell me who that guy is, what business do you have to do with the guy, and how do you know him?" the billionaire finished his question, and looked at Peter with interest. A fifteen years old that knew that Spiderling, that's interesting.

Peter, however, was pretty startled. His mind was racing, and he knew he had to answer soon enough. He can say that he is Spiderman, but, for some weird reason, he felt as if it will be wrong. He could say that he does know Spiderman, but then he will have to explain how, and under what circumstances.

"I- uh" shit. No no no, don't stutter now! You never stutter, so why the hell you do now of all times?!

"yeah? Kid, you got nothing to hide, you know? It's just me and you here." Just me and you here. How could he be so STUPID!

Tony Stark is an Avenger. He was probably here just so he could return with information to the rest of his team! There is no way that he is here just for his own knowledge, why would such an important man like Tony would want the name of Spiderman?! Peter wanted to slap himself for thinking that Tony would be here actually because of his own interest. Peter was probably being filmed and recorded right at the moment.

He got an idea. An actually good idea, for once.

"Listen, uh, Mr. Stark. I- I met Spiderman once, he crashed the window into my room." That wasn't a lie at all- Peter did crash his window not so long ago by accident.

"the webs he used to swing around the city were horrible, and weren't able to lift him for enough time as he thought they would. I offered him help, and he explained how do they work.

Now, I make him his web-fluid, because it's not coming from his wrist as I thought before the incident. I also made him some new web-shooters, and he told me his name and age in return, also a couple of stories.

You gotta understand, Mr. Stark, that he made me swear not to tell anybody. He trusts me, and I am sorry to say that, but I won't tell you who he is."

For the first time, and probably last time in his life, he lied fluently. He felt good about it, yet so bad, too.

"I understand how it is, kiddo. One more thing, just so you know. After I heard this story, I hope you understand that I want you at my lab, right?" Tony said, looking briefly at his expensive watch.

Peter cursed in his head. LAB?! Why!? He wouldn't want to test some teenagers just because he had helped Spiderman! He would find out about his DNA in a couple in seconds!

"—I need more people there with brains like this. And you want to tell me that you made that Spider-guy swingies as well?! Kid, if you're speaking the truth, you gotta have a brain. You can call yourself an intern at my tower, if you want to, of course. If you do want to come work there, you can meet me when you're comfortable this week. Got it?" Tony then walked to the door, unlocked it, and walked away. "I'll guess I'll see you!" the man shouted, said his goodbyes to May, and left.

Peter sat on his bed, mouth slightly agape. What the hell just happened. Was the only thought in his head, and it repeated over and over again.

May walked in, hands on her hips, and her face showing clear confusion and surprise. "you have some explaining to do, young man" was the only thing she said, and Peter felt his Spider-sense tingle. Great. Now even his sixth sense was telling him that he was in trouble.



God. NO.


SO, you got till the end of the chapter! I am so proud of you!

You get... a question!!! (Yaaaay!)

Till the next time, folks!


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