3- Listening? What's listening?

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Tony Stark sighed to himself. What a day.

First, eyepatch-man, also known by the name 'Fury', called them in. ONCE AGAIN, may he add.

It's not like Tony disliked the Avengers, not at all, it's just... okay, so maybe he disliked most of them. Not everyone though. He could tell that Natasha's respect almost got to none at all, and Clint and him never actually talked. Although he heard that the man was good at pranking, they didn't seem to have more similar hobbies. Thor had to go to Asgard, that weird alien had probably some problems on his own, with that brother of his. Bruce was his science-bro, that's for sure. He liked hanging out with the scientist, even though he held a little fear and respect for the man's anger issues.

And the captain... well, Tony wouldn't admit it, but he hated the fact that he held some sort of fondness for the man. And which this hate for the feeling, caused him to seem full of hatred towards the super-soldier. But that's off topic.

The angry pirate called a meeting, and Tony, being Tony, was fashionably late. As always. The new topic was, in fact, the new hero in town. The Spiderling, that random, weird menace. Fury thought that it was for the better of all of them if they would know his identity, and Tony couldn't disagree. As a scientist, someone who actually UNDERSTOOD science, and some other titles by him, he was curious about the man. What kind of DNA would this guy have? Is his blood different? Is all of this is the suit, or the man?

Tony was so zoned-out in his own thoughts about the Spider, that he didn't hear what the director had said. He nodded a few times, agreed a few times too, but didn't catch a word. He only understood that they were dismissed to go somewhere, maybe a mission, but hopefully back to bed.

So when everyone started getting out of the room, Tony focused. He caught Fury glare at him, looking at him with his one eye, so he quickly got out of the room. He saw everyone chattering on their way down, and decided to cut the conversation.

"Brucie!" Bruce, who was chattering with cap, stopped. "yeah, what is it Tony? Please don't tell me that you got another idea for a robot, I don't think that SHIELD would like that." "no, actually, not at all! So you see, I was pretty zoned out in the meeting" he started, but the look on Bruce and Cap's face told him that they knew that already. "and I saw you guys come out, and for the fact that I never listen, I got no idea what am I supposed to do. So. What is it that I suppose to do?" he finished with a grin, and saw Natasha rolling her eyes in his direction –which only made his grin grow wider.

"We're tracking down that Spider-thing, Tony. Spiderman, I think. And, just so you know, Fury literally asked you a very, VERY big favor and you reply was, 'yeah, uh-huh, sure'. And he took it as a YES, Tony." Bruce looked fearful now, and that didn't make anything easier for Tony. What the hell did he just agreed to do?! "What the hell did I just agreed to do?!" yeah, he now had to hope that it wasn't much big of a deal. "well, he asked Natasha to help him find the Avengers a place all together and well, you ARE the billionaire in the team so" Bruce trailed, and Steve continued him. "So you kind of agreed to let us stay at the tower? You know, the Avengers tower? Your towe-" "yes, yes. I GET IT, capsicle. I just... ughhhh!! this man! God that one-eyed pirate should grateful that he has such power, 'because he would've really got in trouble if he wasn't the head of this this ORGANIZATION. UGH." he saw Natasha face palming in the corner of his eye.

"But it can't be the only thing that the cyclops had said, he mentioned that Spider-dude earlier, right?" now it was cap's turn to roll his eyes at the man/child. "yes, he did. He said that half of the team will help fill the tower, and the other half would help track him down. Well, it will be Clint and Natasha that'll track him down. Someone volunteered to do both." He said, and Tony got confused. Why would anybody volunteer to help with both things? It sounds like one massive headache. "so why did you volunteered, cap? I knew that you all nice and stuff, but you didn't have to-"

"-I didn't volunteer, Stark."

"So Bruce? I would never guess" "Bruce hadnt volunteered either."

"Vision then?" "Vision is helping me, Bruce and Wanda." "oh."

"So does that mean that Thor volunteered? But he's on Asgard" he was greeted with two silent men.

"OH. WAIT. Don't tell me that... I didn't volunteer!" he shouted as the reality landed on him. "Well, Stark, you didnt pay any attention either, and Fury asked you, AND YOU AGREED. So next time, pay attention or you'll end up in this situation again!" Cap looked pretty angry. He looked cute when he's angry, Was the first thought to cross Tony's mind as he saw the super soldier looking at him like he just kicked his puppy. Wait what. No no! he DOES NOT THINK THAT CAP LOOKES CUTE, NOPE, NOPE! But he didn't argue back. He couldn't. some perfect golden-retriever with gorgeous blue eyes looked straight (yeah right) at him!

So that's the story of how Tony got two missions in one day, because he didn't listen in an Avengers meeting.

I feel... pretty proud of myself actually. I published two chapters in two days! yay!

Ill see you next time!


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