4- Karen

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It's been about two months since Peter had started to work under Tony, as an 'intern' at Stark Industries. The truth was that he and Tony worked on some Spiderman stuff, Tony being extremely amazed by Peter's way of thinking, and Peter amazed by Tony as a human being.

Of course that Tony would deny it immediately if asked, but the kid actually grew on him. His constant chatter, that never seem to die down, his positivity about the world, his innocence and bad jokes that Tony rolled his eyes at yet laughed so much afterwards, how could he not enjoy the kid's company. The kid was smart, helpful, innocent, and so skilled, that Tony just had to give him his own lab. Which was, unsurprisingly, connected to his lab.

Yes, at the first few days Tony had thought that Peter simply learned a bit just before they met, but after time he learned that the kid is just that smart. At this point, not more than two months flew by and Tony was already thinking of letting the kid meet Bruce, but he decided against it. The kid was his now, and if Bruce wants to meet him, Bruce would have to know about his existence, first!

Well, the kid wasn't his, but you get the point.

Tony was now trying to fix something in his suit, something that he couldn't figure out. When Ultron destroyed JARVIS, Tony had to use another AI instead. He picked FRIDAY, because she was the closest one to being fully built. But now, he struggled with a few things: he couldn't track down the AI, and he calculated it over and over again, yet something seemed to be blocking the simple order.

Peter was working in his own lab, he told Tony that he's working on a robot named BB8 or something like that. Tony didn't bother to actually look at it. He knew that the kid was smart, but he couldn't actually think that a fifteen years old could actually build a good, well-working robot.

Tony remembered the latest text message he got from Happy. And no, this time it wasn't about the kid giving him trouble or bothering him too much, no. it was the opposite, really. This time, Tony got a message saying that the kid was unusually quiet, and had a black eye. But when Peter got to the lab, Tony couldn't see the problem that Happy was talking about. Peter had no black eye, and a reassuring smile was plastered on the teenager's face. Tony just wondered if happy needed glasses, or if the kid's trying to hide something.

Tony sighed to himself. Since when does he care about random teenagers? He needed to focus on his work, he needed to fix the suit.

he looked at Friday's program, when he heard a different voice, definitely not Peter's, speak from the kid's lab.

"Hello sir, how may I assist you?" was heard from over the walls. Tony wondered who was it, since he didn't see anyone coming in or out of the labs besides him and Peter, so who could that possibly be? The voice sounded slightly mechanic, but the only working AI at the moment was FRIDAY, and it didn't sound like her at all. Tony decided that it would be for the better if he would just check it out.

Tony walked into the lab casually, his fourth cup of coffee in his hand and whistling on his way the Harry Potter theme, but stopped immediately as he saw Peter typing furiously on a computer while mattering stuff to himself.

"Hey kid, how're you doing? I thought I heard someone talking earlier, so I came here to check on you." Tony said, seeping from his mug.

What he said got Peter to look up from his work, and at his mentor. He got a bit nervous, and tried to stand in Tony's view, so that the man couldn't see what he was working on.

"It's nothing Mr. Stark!" Peter said, and Tony growled to himself. First, Peter continued calling him 'Mr. Stark' – which he didn't like at all, he despised it. It reminded him of his dad, and he didn't want to be compared like that to Howard. and secondly- the kid was lying. And it was so obvious too, that Tony wondered if the kid even knew how to lie.

"Kid, you don't have to lie to me, ya know? Is something wrong? You made a mistake and you don't want me to see it?" Tony's head started running so many different scenarios, what if Peter stole some of his work? No, that can't be it. The kid can't even lie to him, so he definitely couldn't STEAL from him.

"Listen kid, I'm a busy man. I really want to know what's up with you, what you're working on. So it's either you move, tell me, or I'll have to find out by myself." He said "your choice".

Peter sighed and moved. He knew that he couldn't hide his project for a long time, he just didn't think that Mr. Stark would find out about in the first two months!

Tony looked at the equations, muttering some of them to himself as he looked of what the kid had created. As the realization struck him, Tony's mouth flew agape. It couldn't be, what he saw just couldn't be!

The kid had created, in two months, an AI.

Eyes getting wider by the second, Tony looked at the slightly embarrassed teenager. "Peter, did you do that all by yourself? Is it working?" he asked quietly only two questions, even though he had so many different ones running in his head.

"My friend Ned helped me with some of the numbers, but mostly me, yeah" Peter mumbled to himself, and Tony's mind felt like blowing up. Two fifteen-years old created an AI, what the f- "Her name is Karen" Peter said in a small voice, and Tony gave him a rare smile.

They discussed about what Peter could add to 'Karen', when the billionaire remembered that he needed to tell his favorite intern something, something important.

He was actually surprised that he remembered, it was so unlike him.

"kid, you know that this tower is called "the Avengers tower?" he asked rhetorically. "with the big A symbol on the front?" Peter nodded.

"So, I just wanted you to know, yeah? The Avengers are now living here." He said, taking his once full- but now empty cup of coffee on his way out to fill it once again, and leaving Peter shocked, standing in his place and not moving for five minutes.


hello there! Just finished this chapter, sorry for not updating earlier...

Sorry for the pretty lame chapter, but I hope you liked it!

AAAAAND I got a question!
would you like a Stucky one shots book? I was just thinking of it, I'm not sure I'll actually do one, but if you'd like then I would!

Please answer, and have a great day!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2018 ⏰

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