Chapter 2: Vomit Boy

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Yang stood on the bullhead to Beacon, next to her sister, Ruby. Her sister had been given a chance to come to Beacon because she stopped a robbery by famous criminal, Roman Torchwick. Though she was excited, Yang was also a little annoyed with this. She would've much rather stopped a robbery than take that test.

She looked down towards her gloved hand, the same one that had the tattoo. She hadn't heard from Marchand since 2 weeks ago. It could've been a dream, but then, how'd she get the tattoo? The fact that she didn't know where the... god... was uneased her.

Little did she know, he was on the same ship. He was about 13 feet away from her in the loud bull head. At first, the bull head had made him a little unpleasant, but that problem was fixed within a few seconds, with him getting rid of the body's Gastrointestinal system. Seriously, why did he even put that in the vessel, his body just returns the matter to the earth and the energy to the sky. It'd just be there, useless. And why did they make the aircraft so bulky? It's like they've no sense of style! Anyway, he looked to the man next to him, a large man with short ginger hair who had taken the spot from a Faunus. How daring of the man, to steal from his better. The faunus was kind enough to let it slide, but Marchand wasn't. Marchand waved his fingers in a circle and the man's stomach churned, suddenly unpleased with the ship. The man stumbled over towards the trash can desperately, a hand over his mouth. With a smile, the god twirled his fingers and the mans stomach churned once more and he couldn't contain it. Vomit spilled out of his mouth.

Directly on Yang's shoes.

Yang and her sister Ruby yelled out in disgust. Both disgusted at the action, with Yang's red eyes likely being a sign that she was angry. The two left as Yang shook the vomit off her boots, her sister exclaiming "Ew! Ew! Eeeeewwww!" as she did so, the former chasing after the latter.

Marchand smiled to himself, as he leaned back against the wall. With that, he thought back to his past as his thumb fiddled with small wooden hands grasping the glass ball of his cane. The meeting with Yang reminded him of his time with Raven. Of course, he had a female body back then. Times change, as do the people, though usually not in such drastic ways. He remembered their first time seeing each other. She was stressed out with a sudden responsibility, and she, Marchand, that is, was the closest thing to stress relief she had.

His mind wandered once more, this time going back before this body, before Raven, back when he was a celestial being. He was being assigned his godhood. He remembered the long list they had. They didn't wish to make another Aeterni, "too much work," they had said. So they granted more things to be god of onto the others. God of Mischief, Trickery, Choice and Free Will? Oh yes, he was those things, some of his favorites to be honest. But he was also god of many other things as well. He was the god of Thieves, Shadows, Desire... Cats...

He would say he had a natural affinity towards the small beast, but it's more supernatural.

"That's a cool cane." Said a young, energetic voice, shaking him out of his thoughts. He turned to the source of the voice. It was a young girl with, for a female, short orange ginger hair that would go over her ears, if it were not pushed back. She wore a white shirt with a heart shaped hole with in it, revealing some of her cleavage, the stomach of the shirt covered by a metal corset. Her eyes were Turquoise and wide with excitement. He lifted his wooden cane higher so the two could more easily see it.

"Yes, I suppose it is... 'cool." He said before turning his gaze back to the girl. "Is that it?" He asked, his voice, containing as much venom as you would expect from an annoyed God. He was reminiscing and this mortal just starts speaking to him out of nowhere?

"Well, I just thought that we could be friends, y'know? Since you have a cool cane and I'm cool, I thought that we'd become great friends. Not that you'd be my best friend, I already have one, his name's Ren. He's got a cool backwards name where the last name goes first and and the first name goes after that, he's also got cool hair and pink eyes, isn't that cool? It is cool he's the best we've been together for a while, not together together though, we're just great friends you know?" The girl asked. The god look at her with a quirked brow.

"Right..." He started before looking around for this friend of hers to take her away. Not finding the man he looked back at the girl, smiling as if she couldn't tell he didn't want to talk to her. That's when an idea came to mind, this would be an excellent time to start gaining information. "So, you want us to be friends?" The girl nodded. "Well, friends ask questions right?" The girl nodded and opened her mouth to start asking questions presumably before he continued. "Well, we're friends then, and so I'm going to ask you a question okay?" The girl nodded eagerly, ready for the question.

"What do you desire most," He started, as the girls smile dropped and she stared into his calming blue eyes. "What is the thing that will satisfy that aching itch of yours?" Within an instant, she felt a wave of calmness wash over her, it was as if Ren was using his semblance, she almost felt like making sure he wasn't actually standing there but she just couldn't bring herself to tear her gaze away from this man's eyes. The deep blue, a colour you'd never expect to be so warm and inviting..... she would spill her soul to this man if she knew how. A warm feeling grew in her chest as the answer to his question rose, right to the tip of her tongue, she didn't even make an effort to hold back her answer as she obediently stated "Lie Ren.. I want him to be mine and mine alone... I want us to live peace..." as if a warm blanket had been lifted from her, as if her thoughts had been muffled and her usual self had flooded back, her face flooded with colour and she began to continue rambling with wide eyes, "Oh my goodness, I just said that out loud, didn't I? Oh gods, good thing Renny isn't here! I can't belie-" She started rambling before the gentle voice of the man who asked question came to her ears.

"Hey, it's okay." He said with a smile of amusement at the silly girl's reaction. "People like to tell me things. Call me Jaune." He said.

"Nora!" The girl said before grasping the hand not on his cane and shaking it, as if forgetting what had just happened. Once she was finished she ran off talking about having to find Ren. He looked at the hand she shook and shook it in the air, as one would when trying to get something disgusting off.

"Mortals..." He muttered. He felt the skuttle of the bullhead docking down, presumably to let them off at Beacon. At first he only wanted to be on so that he could talk to Yang, send her to her first target, but apparently the only way to get to beacon is to be a huntsman or huntress. He was annoyed at that before he saw the opportunity. A bunch of people who are training to be stronger, who better than a God to give them strength they could not find on their own. Usually for his deals, he does not have any need for them at that time. He still gives them deals, just with a Godly IOU.

As the people filtered out, he stayed behind, watching searching for anyone who popped out. None did though. None looked interesting enough to be worth his time. He scowled to himself at this. He'd need to stay here longer to get people of any use to him. He set out of the bullhead to search for more when he heard a loud bang. He turned to the source to see, towards the large tower he assumed Beacon was named for. Fitting, as it was one of the best Huntsman and Huntress schools, a last beacon of hope...

Anyway, he went towards the sound out of curiosity. What was that one mortal saying... Curiosity saved the cat? ... Yes, that sounds correct. When he arrived, he saw a young woman, round 17 or 16, yelling about Dust at a girl in red and black with silv-

Silver eyes!?

A child of Xìngzhì, here?!

The girl in white left, leaving the child of Xìngzhì in a small crater. He walked forward and stood over, his hand out for her to grab to pull herself.

"Need a hand?"

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