Chapter 1

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"Wake up Fluttershy!"

A familiar voice searches my head, who I suddenly realized was Rainbow Dash's.

"Why should you wake me up this early?" I ask with a puzzled face.

"Princess Celestia wants to see everypony this morning at 10:30 AM! Didn't Twilight tell you yesterday? She asks while she moans at the same time

"I don't remember..."

"Well hurry up! We're late!!"

She takes my hoof as we meet Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight to the train station to Canterlot.

"Your late Fluttershy." says Twilight.

I smile even though I'm not sure why.

"Ok so the train to Canterlot arrives in 10 minutes, but we have to impress the princess by-" Pinkie interrupts me... again.

"A PARTY?" She yells and everypony is looking at her."

"No. Anyways, we want to greet the princess with honor and-" Twilight was interrupted again.

"Do you even know why the princess wants to see us?" asks Rarity.

"I don't know either. But when we arrive at Canterlot we'll find out."

Before she could start again, the train had already arrived.

"UGH" she says as we aboard the train.

We try to get the back of the train so we can say our plan in private.

"Now, then. I thought of-"

"LOOK!" says Rainbow.

Outside there was a large, black cloud that surrounded Canterlot. The train went inside the clouds, and we couldn't see anything from outside. When we got off the train, the air was humid, moist, cold, and almost as chilly as an average Manehatten winter. All I could see was a sign that said

"Welcome to the Nightmare King's Kingdom"

At first I thought Nightmare Moon striked again, but it said "King" so I knew it wasn't that. I can hear a voice from somewhere in the distance.

"Come inside! The Princess wants to see you!"

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