daddy issues

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                                                                        zac efron as luca anderson

Charlotte's p.o.v

After Evan called me a slut I ran off to go to my house. As I was walking home I started to think why Evan would ask me if I am a virgin and then he call me a slut. As I was thinking my phone buzzed I checked my phone and saw I got a message from my mom

"Charlotte you need to hurry home you dad is here and I don't know what to do."

"Don't worry i'm on my home now mom i'll be there in a couple of minutes."

"Okay "

After I was done talking to my mom I got a text from evan

"Hey Charlotte did you get home safely?"

After I read the text message I powered my phone off and I started to run home as I was getting to my street, I started to run faster until i got to my front porch. I opened the front door and ran into the living room and saw my dad there sitting on the couch, with his arms folded over his chest and just looking at my mom with a pissed of look. I cleared my throat and my mom looked at me then got up from the chair she was sitting on and came up to me.

'I'm going to the kitchen to finish dinner yell if you need anything."

"Mom you can't leave me in here with him."

"Charlotte please give him a chance im giving him another chance can you do that to."

"No did you forget what he did to me or what you just going to let him be here and do it to me again"

"Charlotte i can't believe if he did that remember he just left us for someone else."

"Yeah whatever i'm not going to talk to him though."

After I said that to her she went off into the kitchen and i went and looked out the window and didn't say a thing to my dad. While I was looking out the window my dad cleared his throat and I turned around he was right behind me. I glared at him and then turned back around and looked out of the window until he said something.

"Charlotte look at me because I want to talk to you right now, so turn around and look at me instead of looking out of that fucking window."

"What do you want james cause I really don't feel like talking to someone that rapped me."

"Oh come on charlotte i know you enjoyed it cause you couldn't stop screaming."

"So you call me screaming stop enjoying someone rapping me, i am your daughter but yet you still forced yourself on me james your sick and i want you to leave now."

I could tell he was starting to get angry because his face was starting to scrunch up. When I looked out the window I saw that my older brother just pulled up the driveway, since he was here to do his visit for ounce a week. My dad was lucky that my brother doesn't know what he did to me. If he came in and saw him luca would beat the shit out of him and wouldn't stop until he was seriously hurt. I saw that luca was starting to come up the steps to the house and i was excited that he was here then i wouldn't have to talk to my dad.

"You know charlotte if your mom lets me come back just think about how much fun we could have again." he said to me while touching my cheek and pressed his body up against me.

"Mom won't let you come back at all."

Just as he started to talk to me again, my brother knocked on the door.

"that's where you're wrong Charlotte, your mom and me are getting back together. I'll get it, this isn't over Charlotte. We will talk later.

He kissed me and then went to answer the door.

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