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Wind whipped Liza's brown hair behind her as she struggled to move with her partner as they ran over the desert land

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Wind whipped Liza's brown hair behind her as she struggled to move with her partner as they ran over the desert land.

"Focus Liza!" Bristle yelled over the wind. 'Come on, C'mon. . .' Liza encouraged herself. The other racers were slowly passing them. There was tension between the two and Liza didn't like it, she was used to riding bareback not with aa sddle. There were straps everywhere and Liza couldn't feel Bristle's body through them. Which was giving her anxiety. Bristle could tell that Liza was struggling with all the saddle's straps and the saddle in general.

Bristle watched as her rider's attempt to warm up to the saddle, the other Fangs were snickering tat hem. Bristle was well known for being one of the fasted Fangs, she had taken a temporary retirement which was where she met Liza, a girl who was so enthusiastic about Fancg racing that Bristle couldn't resist training her. The two became inseparable and Bristle fell in love with Liza's riding style. But now that she was in the saddle, she couldn't perform her ridding stride that Bristle fell in love with.

Liza was tense, Bristle could feel the gleg squeeze through the saddle. They had a third of the track left and both Bristle and Liza were nowhere near the rest of the racers. Liza was starting to cry, if they lost this race, they wouldn't be able to race together in an official race ever again.

"Get rid of the thing!" Bristle yelled to her. Liza was suddenly very aware. "Get rid of it!" Liza was confused but Bristle shook her ack and Liza understood. Liza unlathed her boots and nearly slipped but was used to not being secured, a gasp rang out as the crowd watched them, Bristle bent her head back awkwardly to hold Liza in place as she snapped the straps. Grabbing onto Bristle's scruff, swinging herself up and around, kicking the saddle off her back and landing on her fur. The crowd was going crazy after the saddle tumbled and was left in the dirt.

Then, Bristle felt the squeeze, that familiar holding squeeze and the guiding flex of Liza's muscles. They were gone. Bristle was running faster than she had ever run in any race. Liza clinging and completely in since. The announcers screamed over the microphone in utter surprise and excitement. The crowd roared as Bristle lew past the fifth place Fang, then fourth, then third The Fangs and their partners were stunned as their heavy breaths hitched with every Fang they passed.

Bristle was gaining on the first and second Fangs who were nose to nose. The rider of the red-blond Gang glanced behind them and the shock on their face was prislessBristle came up next to them on the straight away, no more than 800 meters left as both Liza and Bristle pushed themselves. Bristle was exhausted from playing catchup, but with Liza's constant encouraging squeezes and kicks, she was finding new energy as they broke the line in a full out sprint, a hard finish was a tough feat, but Bristle was known for her finishes, that's what always won her the race.

The two Fangs sprinted after them but Bristle had started sooner and held their lead, the crowds were going crazy as Bristle and Liza crossed the finish line with both front paws down. They had won, they had gone from dead last to first by half a length. Once Bristle had come to a standstill Liza threw herself off the Fang's back and latched onto her neck with a firm powerful embrace, the two released each other as their breaths were too heavy to stand still. They were rushed with reported and officials with questions, but the main one was, "Are you worried about being disqualified? For running without a saddle?" Bristle was the one to speak as Liza had retreated to her flank.

"There is nowhere in the Ruel book that states one must run with a saddle, nor does it deny it. As a gray area and for the nature of my partner, we are willing to take that risk. New Move on." Bristle pushed their way through the crowds to their homing, Liza all the while trying to stay out of sight in Bristle's shaggy coat. 

They had won and it was over. What came next as to be determined, but they would cross that bridge when they came to it. Bristle looked back at Liza once they were out of the crowds.

"Liza," Liza looked up with a dusty flushed face, "whatever happens, we will always run together."

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