From the Beginning

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Authors point: So in the beginning of this story I just want to tell you that this is how my REAL life went, and that these are true stories and people. I hope you like it!

Emma: Hi, my name is Emma and I will tell you a little story of how me and Valerie became friends. So my stepmom runs a day care and when Valerie was a baby she said that we would always hang out and play. Ever sense then me and Valerie would always hang out. In till, she told us that she's not coming to the daycare anymore because she wants to have some time with her best friends and that really hurt me, I thought we were friends, at least her sister Jacklyn, who's in 1 grade, goes to the day care but I still don't see Valerie. Well, I hope you like this story because, as the author, I might cry. 

Author's Note: This one is short because this is just what happen in the beginning when we first meet.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2018 ⏰

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