Not What She Seems, GF

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Pacifica Northwest, for all of her life, knew one way to live. Her parents – for as long as she could remember – were very insisted on her living a 'Northwest' life. She was only to speak to those in her class and rank on all of those that were considered beneath her. Pacifica never considered anything else. Just this fabulous life as the most popular girl in Gravity Falls. But even Pacifica had her secrets. She might have been a brat to everyone else in town, buying whatever she wanted.

However, whenever it came to her parents, they always treated her terribly. Her father, Preston, always rang a bell to condition his daughter into doing their bidding. Pacifica kept her facade going for such a long time too. Until she met Stanford Pines' great nephew and niece, Dipper and Mabel Pines. When she first met the twins, she had gone to the Shack with her friends to attend the party. It wasn't the first time she had been to the Shack but this was the first time she had came without her disguise.

It was a nightmare for her. Pretending to be happy when she wasn't. Acting like a brat when she wasn't. She just wanted to be herself, nothing more. Pacifica had been diagnosed for minor depression when she was eight years old. She was taking care of it for years on her own, making sure that it never came to the surface. One day, it did – and it was in front of her parents. This was after Dipper showing her that her ancestor wasn't the founder of Gravity Falls. And boy did she ever get chewed out for that.

"Pacifica Elise Northwest! How dare you for even getting depressed! We do not think of the rift raft of this town, we do not even consider their feelings! They are beneath us and they are going to stay that way. Even when that lumberjack ghost returns. We will keep those gates closed forever. Mark my words."

The only ones that were being nice to her was the staff. Her maids especially when they found out that Pacifica got her mild depression from her parents chewing her out all of the time. She had to be perfect at all times, even when she was at home. That was a tall order for a twelve year old girl. Pacifica desperately hid her emotions to everyone. She couldn't have two minutes alone, so whenever she felt her depression coming on – she tried to make sure she faked a headache and went to lay down.

Pacifica rarely let anyone see her depression. Even when at the carnival or when her life was being threatened by Miniature Golf Ball people? Either way, she was really glad to be away from her parents. Even it was until she got home later on that night. When Mabel gave her that taco to share, that's when her depression kicked up. She fought it the best she could, placing her hand to her forehead.

Dipper was the first to notice. While he and Pacifica weren't very good friends, she didn't look like she was in a good place. He knew something was wrong.

"Uh... Pacifica? Are you alright?" He asked, gaining Mabel's attention.

"Pacifica?" She asked, seeing the same thing that her brother did.

Pacifica cringed hard core. She didn't want the Pines to find out about this! Especially their great uncle. He was probably going to rub it in her face. Soos saw this and just when he was about to tell Stan, the old con man pulled over. Pacifica couldn't believe what she was seeing. He even turned around to her, looking her dead in the eye. Pacifica didn't know why he was but then...

"Got a headache?" He asked, so nonchalantly. Pacifica didn't know whether to be thankful or confused. Either way, she took the easy way out and just nodded. "Heh, yeah, I thought so from what the kids were saying about those things back there. Don't worry, we'll get you to the Shack in a few minutes." He told her.

Pacifica perked up immediately. No, she couldn't let that happen. The depression would only get worse if she didn't get home at the proper time. But on the other hand, she needed to be in a better place before she faced them.

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