Frerard - The Bench And The Scarf - ONE-SHOT

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Hey! :D

Well I was making a Frerard video and used a picture in it that I thought could be made into a one-shot :D

I have actually made them both the same age instead of leaving the age gap :)

As well, I'm not using Frank POV or Gerard POV so it will be a bit different from what I usually write but hopefully it's decent!

But it's not going to be that long soo I hope it's okay 

As usual, I hope you guys like it and please tell me what you think :)

- Keep Shining <3

Melissa xoxoxo


Gerard Way trudged through the snow on a cold January morning. The eight year old walked into the park, leaving his footprints in the white snow. The sky was emotionless and the air was frigid. Gerard blew into the air proving the coldness.

His brother Mikey was curled up in bed sleeping soundly, his parents were asleep in their room, unknown to the fact that one of their son's were walking through the park of New Jersey. New Jersey was a dangerous place to be, especially for a child like Gerard.

He knew he should be at home, safe in his bed and protected from the icy world. Gerard couldn't help but leave the house and be alone, he knew that he would be alone some day. He didn't have many friends as the kids he went to school with thought that he was strange. 

 Gerard walked until he found a bench caked with snow. With his gloved hand, he shoved some of the snow off the bench and sat down. He sighed at the frosty trees and wrapped his black and grey striped scarf around him tighter. Gerard's scarf was one of his most prized possessions, his grandmother had given it to him. Earlier he realised that everyone he loved would leave him somehow and he'd be alone. That was one of the reasons that Gerard kept everything given to him by his family for reminders.

It was easy to see that Gerard was not like the average child.

Gerard heard the sound of a someone but didn't move a fraction of an inch. He stared blankly at the sky. The person did the same actions Gerard had done earlier and sat on bench.

"Hi." The voice greeted. Gerard turned his head to see a boy his age staring at him. The boy was short from what Gerard could see and he had a slight tan to his skin with deep hazel eyes that had almost bits of gold swirling inside. 

"Hello." Gerard replied back with a small voice. The boy smiled as Gerard greeted him back. "I'm Frank, what's your name?"

"My name is Gerard." He said softly. Frank grinned and stretched out his hand, Gerard took it and grasped it firmly in his hand. "Nice to meet you Gerard." Gerard looked at Frank and smiled back. 

A brush of cold wind went through the morning air making Gerard and Frank shiver. Gerard noticed that Frank only had a brown coat with a red hood with gloves. Gerard wasn't as cold as Frank as he had his scarf, hat, coat and gloves. He knew he couldn't give up his scarf but his mother had taught him to help people when they needed it and Frank needed it. He looked at Frank's red face and saw him shaking. 

Gerard carefully untied his scarf from around his neck and wrapped it around a freezing Frank. Frank eyed Gerard's actions and held Gerard's arm. "Gerard, I can't take your scarf." Gerard sighed in response and muttered something along the lines of "You need it more than me."  Frank realised that Gerard would not take the scarf back and so he hugged Gerard tightly. Gerard was shocked by the contact but soon wrapped his arms around Frank.

Frerard - The Bench And The Scarf  - ONE-SHOTWhere stories live. Discover now