Jealousy Part 1

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*Credits to Artist🔝*


[Damian's POV]


That's the dismissal bell. I packed my stuff and headed towards the lockers outside in the hallway.

Maps and I had agreed to meet up there so she can come over to the manor.

Being honest, I... like the times we hang out. I'd say they're memorable moments. Not that I'd ever tell her that.

It's weird. I can't even recall the moment I fell for her.

Breaking me out of my trance, I saw a boy standing next to Maps. Eric. What was he doing there? And why... is he talking to her?!

Wait... why am I overreacting?

There's just something about them that gets my blood boiling. This is stupid. If anyone sees me looking at them with my fist clenched, it's over.

Surely they were talking about something school related. Eric doesn't have the courage to ask her out. It's obvious by that face of his that he likes her.

I was too far to hear their conversation, though luckily I'm always prepared with my gadgets.

I take an ear piece out and placed it in my ear, their voices became clear as if I was just right beside them.

"-o Maps, um I wanted to ask you...uhh s-something..." Eric stumbled over his words. -TT-, maybe I underestimated him...

"Oh, yeah, sure! How can I help? And are you alright? You're kind of sweating... You know, you can trust me with anything" Maps replied back with a smile. Typical of her. That was her style, her personality.

And yet it upsets me that she's acting that way. Did I always get this jealous? I mean, I never had to fight for anyth-

No. I did. I did feel jealous when Tim received more of father's attention than I did.

"Haha yeah, ok then... Would you like me to take you t-to see a m-movie?"

He did it.

He asked her out on a date...


[Third POV]

Well, there goes Eric's one way ticket to the afterlife. Damian was practically giving him the bat-glare, and he didn't care if anyone saw him anymore.

It seemed impossible to ever think that Eric would be straightforward with his feelings. He was always quiet, even around Maps, it would be her the one to keep the conversation going. 'When did he suddenly become so upfront?' But the thought of him beating Damian on asking her out first, frustrated him.

The rich boy released a scoff and placed his ear piece away. He walked casually towards them, trying his best to not stomp his way towards the two.

On the contrary, what he didn't know was that two people behind the headless statue had been spying on the whole situation. These two saw everything from the start.

The scene was so clear even from far away, especially with binoculars and ear pieces.

"Aw, look at Little D getting all boiled up!" The mysterious person says to the other next to him before bursting out laughing

"Yeah right. Demon Spawn is practically holding himself back. I wonder if he's upset enough to start a fight. Hah, that would be interesting.. This should teach that little brat to never prank us with his 'Soon-to-be-girlfriend'" the other replied with his fingers motioning quotation marks while chuckling.

"I kind of feel bad, but then again, they did ruin my favorite shirt. Oh hey! He's actually calmly confronting him!"

"Lame... I was expecting him to fight. Isn't that what he always resorts to when it comes to us? Who's awful idea was this?"


"Shut up, it was a rhetorical question"

Though he thought the outcome was lame, he had to admit, he was proud of Demon Spawn, as he nicknamed him.


Word Count: 719

Anyways, who do you think these mysterious people are?

Alright so Damimaps is my favorite ship that has just rised up after I finished reading Gotham Academy.

I finished reading other people's one shots on this ship and was sad I couldn't find anymore. So I decided to make my own.

P.S. If there are any grammar mistakes that I may have missed, you are more than welcome to comment that, Thanks.

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