She's... My Sunshine

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*Credits to the Artist🔝*


[Damian's POV]

"DAMI! DAMI! LOOK AT THE FIREWORKS!" I heard Maps shout as she looked at the exploding colors in the sky with her mouth open.

I stare at her, seeing the glowing sky even in her eyes.

She's a firework herself

The firework to my life

A small smile formed on my lips before getting the urge to kiss her. When I pulled her in by her neck, she was startled at first but then later wrapped her arms around my neck. The sounds of fireworks still playing in the background.

We stayed there for a while, until she carefully broke the kiss,

"Dami..." her face seemed to turn to faded frown, "um... I have to go visit my aunt"

"Really? When?" I questioned, not moving my arms from where they were placed around her waist.

"Tomorrow, but..."

With an eyebrow raised, I wasted for her to finish her sentence. I'm starting to think it's bad.

"she's on the other side of Gotham City..."

A frown appeared on my face. Very visible that she quickly knew I was upset. Or maybe, she already knew I would be.

"Do you really have to go?" I broke my embrace around her.

"Yeah..." she tried to force a smile. To reassure me that she'll be back soon.

"I'll be back in a week" she began to caress my cheek, adding to her attempt to comfort me. But a week was too long.

-TT-, why did it have to be a week? Why did she have to go? Why couldn't she take me?

Damian, what are you? An idiot or something? It's her family.

Of course, I had so much to complain about, however, none of that spilled out of my mouth.

"Alright, but text me when you can" I reply, hiding the depression I began to feel. Which only she can make me feel sometimes. More likely when I'm away from her.

"Uhh..." she made a face, telling me that she needed to tell me more bad news, "Dami... the internet there isn't good"

So that's the end of the thread. "How will I keep in contact with you?!"

A week?! A week without talking to her!

Wait- did I just scream at her?

I quickly lowered my head and in haste stated, "Sorry..."

She gave out a heavy sigh, clearly not too happy herself about the situation, "You'll just have to wait" she planted a kiss on my cheek

I shut my eyes as she pulled me into her arms, into her embrace, "I think... I think I can do that"


Don't go...


Day One

"This is simple enough" I say to myself in the mirror of my room.

"I can wait" I whispered under my breath while forcing a smile.

"HEY DICK-HEAD! I KNOW I GOT YOU BACK! BUT WE WERE EVEN! NOW I HAVE TO GET YOU BACK AGAIN FOR THIS ONE!" I heard Jason yell. Unbelievable, even my door can't clock off his irritating voice.

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