Switch [Final Part]

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[Damian's POV]

'Did the curse break?'

I glance around,

'I'm still in her house...'

'It didn't work'

"-TT-, don't you get it, Wayne?"

"Love isn't real"

She stormed off the room as the door slams behind her.

I stared blankly at the floor.

I hear her step downstairs.

I was thinking intensely,

'Why didn't it work?'

That's when it hit me.

I comprehend that the reason the kiss didn't work was because she didn't like me back.

I already liked her, but she hasn't.

If she didn't return back my feelings then,

'It wasn't true love'

'She doesn't... love me'

Now, to Continue...

[Maps' POV]

I quietly scowl in annoyance.

I gave that Wayne boy what he wanted.

So, why is he still here?!

Didn't he just want a kiss from me?

That's he was making that story up, right?

If I'm right... then why is he not gone?

I sigh and speactated him with a curious look,

'Maybe his story is true...'

I leaned against the wall, arms crossed.

He was gazing the television with all his attention.

"Look, Wayne boy?"

I slowly stood my back straight.

He turned down the volume of the TV and rotate half his body to face me behind the couch.


I clear my throat,

"I made up my mind"

I walk closer to where he was sitting.

"I'll help you fight Vivian or whatever her villain name was"

He raised an eyebrow, confused.

"My theory is that if you defeat her, then you can ask her to switch your life back"

His eyes widened a bit before he thought about it.

"Maybe you have a point"

He slowly says as if he was planning out what to do.

"But, I don't think I can help you with that love kiss or whatever"

I inform him before he suddenly reached his hand out,

"Deal?" He smiled.

I playfully roll my eyes.

'Childish much?'


I accept his hand with a smile slowly growning on my face.

I quickly frown,

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