I'll Never Leave You

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For this story,

Mia Mizoguchi is 24,

And Damian Wayne is 25.


[Maps' POV]

In the past, I used to believe that life was difficult if you were weak.

Especially in Gotham Academy.

You'd have to be strong in order to be happy there.

Making friends was such a good thing to do there because then you would know you aren't alone.

I stuck to unlocking new secrets in the building.

All of that, led me to meeting Damian Wayne.

The Billionaire's son, Billionaire Bruce Wayne.

At first, I thought he was one of those playboys.

But I realized that he was a student, a normal student like us.

While Olive hanged out with my brother Kyle, Damian and I would go to his house.

Wayne Manor.

At first, I was so overwhelmed by all the rich accessories surrounding the rooms inside the Manor.

I was able to meet his brothers,

Jason, Dick, and Tim.

Damian and I started dating, Thanks to Jason, who kept insisting that we would be a couple soon.

'I guess he was right'

I loved waking up everyday to gaze at a sleeping Wayne boy next to me.

When he would wake up, his uniquely green eyes would stare into mine.

"Good Morning, Beloved" He would whisper half asleep.

"Wake me up in five minutes" I would beg, before making myself comfortable to sleep again.

"I would if I could, but I have to go get ready to leave" He would smile before getting up.

"Wayne Enterprises?"


I hated whenever he had to leave to work.

But I understood that.

So why did he leave me for real, this time?

'Did I not treat him well?'

I remember one time he told me about this Lazarus Pit and how it kept his Grandfather alive until Deathstroke finished him.

'Couldn't this Pit wake up Damian, again?'

'Why does life have to be unfair, again?'

I remember how every night when he came home late, I would hug him.

"Oh my god, I thought something might've happened to you! I'm glad you're okay"

He would say sweet things back like,

"Even IF something were to happen to me, I will always come back for you"

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