You Can't Be a Criminal!

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For this story, Mia Mizoguchi is 20 years old, and Damian Wayne is 21

TW⚠️: a bit violent (choking, balls kicked lmaoao)

- also, a bit of swearing


[Maps' POV]

"Good-bye, Robin" I say, his chest muffling my words as my arms are wrapped around him.

He tightened his grip around my waist and planted kisses on my neck and slowly making his way to my lips, "Bye, beloved" he whispered softly.

After that, he left out the window. It was his turn to patrol alone tonight, so it would be a long night for him.

I make my way to my bed and flopped myself into it. I grabbed my blanket and started making myself comfortable.

"Be safe, beloved" I mumbled with a smile.

And, I drove off to sleep.


I opened my eyes and to my surprise, it was morning already. Honestly, it sort of felt like I just blinked and now the sun was greeting me. I got off bed and made my way downstairs to eat breakfast. I sighed as I realized that it was time to go grocery shopping.

I got my things ready. Keys, wallet, outfit, coat— especially with this cold weather. As I walked down the streets to my nearest and favorite supermarket, I already felt my shoulders shivering. Maybe I should've worn a hoodie underneath this jacket.

When I've arrived at the supermarket, I usually never have my head raised. But something about today was different.

If I had never lifted my head, I wouldn't have come across this strange poster taped on the entrance door.

'WANTED' it read.

And below it, was a picture of the criminal who was caught stealing yesterday night at this supermarket. Who would even dare?! The elderly couple running this store is one of the nicest people I've met.

The picture showed a man in a red and green suit, wearing a cape with a hood, and a green domino mask.

It was none other than my beloved.

But how? He's in his Robin suit, and people want him because he's a criminal? How did he go from being a hero to being the number one most wanted in Gotham City, as the description stated.


The sudden voice sent shivers down my body in an instance. I turned around to see who was talking, and if they were talking to me. It was an unfamiliar guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. "Uh..."

"It's fine. I mean, we all are" he softly chuckled and shrugged. "The guy has been stealing here and there for many days now"

"But... it's Robin...? Batman's side-"

"Are you new here?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer as if scanning my face and trying to see if there were any words plastered there like 'Yes I am' or 'No I'm not.' Suddenly he backed away and raised his hands in defense, "Not trying to be rude or anything"

"It's just you sort of seem unfamiliar with Robin. He's a criminal whose stolen from banks, stores, and I think even a pet shop? Though I think that was just a rumour. But anyway, the dude has stolen in broad daylight and not even Batman could catch him"

I stood there quietly, with nothing leaving out of my mouth. It's like this has been going on for weeks and I just never found out. But Damian could never. He wouldn't!

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