Chapter 6

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Just when she comes a little more closer to me, when I could feel her breath mix with mine, some clear his throat. NONONO!!! I scream in my head. When I open my eyes I saw a boy, I pretty think that in my age, with deep blue eyes and brown hair. I sigh, now there is no way in hell I'm going to kiss her. I mean look at him he look like a fucking model, what the hell does he want? I look at Isabelle who looked shock from some strange reason.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Isabelle scream (what made me jump by the way) and narrow her eyes at him. He didn’t even flinch from her scream, he just smirks. 

"Having fun without me?" he asks her. I glare at him, he fucking ruin our moment!!

"Like always" she replied smirking.

"Who is he?" he asks, take one glance at me and then look back to Isabelle.

"It's none of your damn business" she growl at him.

"Oh another one, boy I feel sorry for you" he tapped my back. Feel sorry for what? I thought to myself.

"Ok Colton get out of here I got this" she turns to me.

"A-Are you sure?" I ask her confused, I still don’t understand who is he and where he and Isabelle know each other.

"Yeah leave now" she glare at me, I quickly nod and went to the elevator.

Isabelle's POV

I wait until Colton leave and turn back to Louis, my ex. I have no idea what the hell is he doing here, he follow me everywhere. I broke up with him a few months ago but he keep coming back, he was just for fun I wanted him for my on pleasure but I guess he wanted more.    

"So do you mind tell me what are you doing here?" I ask him, crossing my arms against my chest.  

"He is your next victim is he? Gee I feel sorry for this boy" he says, shaking his head laughing. I just glare at him, can't he just shut up? Someone could hear him.

"You are so evil, I mean I'm a strong man I can stand you and you're crazy behavior but he's seems like too good and innocent boy for you" I roll my eyes in the "I'm strong man I can stand you" part, but I know he was right. He even never been in a club before, he's too sweet for me. He's goody-too-shoes that goes to sleep in nine, when I'm the fucked up girl who decided to go to the club in tree in the morning. I think I'm bit harsh with him, but that's my way to get closer to someone, if they stay after all they went through with me that's mean that they really like me. I know its mess up but that's how it's work with me. Anyway back to Colton thing the problem is that I've strange feeling when I'm with him, it's like we just the two of us in our on world. I know it's weird because we only met a couple of days before and I'm not saying that I like him or anything like that but the second his lips touch my on I become addicted, I just wanted more and by the way he try to kiss me again I think he had the same feeling. But I couldn’t just let him see how much I wanted to kiss him again so I just leave him alone, so he think I'm much stronger than him and that his kiss really didn’t affected on me, which really it did. 

So I'm a little attracted to his delicious lips and nerdy glasses, don't judge me each with its weakness.

"Will you shut the fuck up? He isn’t my next victim, he isn’t my next anything he just a family friend" I say to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Family's friend? He seems more your friend than family friend to me" he chuckled and cross his muscular arms on his chest. God I forgot how hot he is.

"I don’t a fuck of how he "seems" to you, now can you please tell how the hell do you know I'm here?" I ask him annoyed.

"Wow, wow chill out I'm just here with my family, you see you know my mom and her all "family time" thing so she decided we all need to go to a vacation and thought to myself "where I would like to go?" and then I remembered your mom said you all go to a family trip in England so I ask my mom if we can come to England and she agreed so here I am" he said with a satisfied smile. Great and I thought I'd have some peace but no of all places he had to come here. 

"Fabulous" I muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Are you doing something tonight?" he asks me, taking a step thru me.

"I'm busy" I look at him one last time before I went to the pool.

I miss my nerdy.

Colton's POV

After two hours of trying to drown Isabelle and a few cuts in my back from Isabelle's hands in attempt to stop me, Isabelle, Luke and I decided to go to lunch together outside the hotel. I quickly go to my room to take a shower and then I went to my closet to put some clothes. I was dressed in a black jeans and blue shirt.  I went down to the lobby and see that Isabelle and Luke already there. Luke was dressed exactly like me, black jeans and blue shirt, and Isabelle wore a white tank top and blue jeans, beautiful like always. 

"Come on let's go before we will be late I ordered us a place" Luke say to us and Isabelle and I nod in the same time. The second we entered to the restaurant my mouth fell open, wow you can see that it's a place with a class. In the center of the restaurant was a huge chandelier that lit up the entire restaurant. The tables were with white tablecloths and each table was with a candle in the middle. After we took our seats the waiter that I have to say was so rude, he keep glance on Isabelle's chest and throw winks at her when he took our orders. I mean what the hell, you are in a fancy restaurant why are you flirting with client. I don’t understand how they got him to work here at all. Jerk.

I order a chicken with potato in the oven. I love food. When someone asks you how you'd prefer to die my answer is with food. I would eat and eat and eat until I die, I told this to my father once and say that someone else would hear me say that he would hospitalize me. Well I didn’t argue with him on that.        

"I be right back I have to pee" Luke suddenly says, and get up from his sit.

"Is everything okay? There is anything else that I can bring you?" the asshole waiter came again. He's annoying me.

"No thank you" Isabelle answers sweetly, moves her hair from one shoulder to another.

"Are you sure baby? I can get you anything" he smiles, getting close to her. My hand tight against the cup I was holding at the mention of the word baby. Who does he thing to call her like this, stupid waiter.

"It's okay really, we don’t need anything" she smiles back at him. He doesn't go though he comes closer to her, still smiling. I'm so close to losing it.

"My shift ends soon, do you want to wait for me so we can go somewhere, maybe my house?" he is smirking now. I think my cup is about to become broken because I holding it too tight. 

"Um I would love to.." she begin to say and my eyes go we wide "but unfortunately I can’t tonight I'm going to shopping with sister sorry" she says apologetically. I smirks she rejected him, she doesn't even have a sister. 

"What about tomorrow?" he insisted. 

"Um.." she didn't know what to say.

"Come on give me your number" he put his hand on her shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry I'm not interested" she tried to move his hand.

"Of course you are come on give me your number sweetie" he put his other hand on her cheek, she began to tremble.

"Get your hands off of her now" 

This is chapter 6 hope you like it!

I thought about deleting the story because there is not enough vote or comment, altough I really like to write, so I wrote this chapter to who that indeed vote!:) 

So I'm really asking whoever loves that chapter vote! I love you :)


6+vote to chapter seven;)

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