We have a little problem..

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*****3 weeks later*****

"So you SLEPT with Zayn, like Zayn Malik in One Direction?" Damian asks. We're sitting in our local starbucks catching up, I haven't really had time to talk to him about what happened yet. "Yeah... I guess... to be honest I don't remember anything." I tell him. "Do you know how many girls probably dream of that happening to them?" Damian says smiling. I laugh. "Yeah... well I wish it was one of them and not me..." I trail off not wanting to talk about this anymore. I've been trying to forget about Zayn, but it hasn't really been working. He's everywhere- on magazines, tv shows, lunchboxes.. it's hard to avoid him.    

"Did he ever call or text you?" "No, so obviously I wasn't that important to him" "I'm so sorry Haley" Damian says getting up to hug me. "It's fine, I mean, he is a celebrity, they tend to only care about themselves. I'm not sure what I really expected. I just keep thinking, what if I stayed in his hotel room and talked to him and didn't just get up and leave..?" "You would have probably rode off on a horse into the sunset" he says joking around. "Shut up" I punch him in the arm. Just then I hear my phone buzz, I look at it, it's my period tracker app telling me I'm 5 days late. Oh well, it'll come soon, right? "What's wrong?" Damian asks. "Oh nothing, just Caroline being weird." "Oh ok.." he says acting kind of suspicious.   

 "Speaking of Caroline, the ulimate One Direction Fan, did you tell her about you and Zayn?" Damian asks. "Yeah, she freaked out. Its not everyday your cousin sleeps with a member of your favorite boyband. Then talks to your favorite member in the hallway" "So you got to talk to more than just Zayn?" "Yeah. I talked to Niall in the hallway, then said hi to Liam as I was running out of the building" "She must be so jealous, you should've taken pictures!" "And make myself look like a crazed fan and be laughed at and kicked out of the building, I'd rather not" I say laughing, "Hey let's go to Barnes and Noble and look around" I continue "Ok" Damian says standing up.

We get up and leave starbucks and walk over to Barnes and Noble, I wanted to get the new Seventeen Magazine. I walk up to the magazine section and scan the shelf for Seventeen. Teen Vogue, Tiger Beat, BOP; I get to People and see Zayn on the front cover kissing some girl. "ZAYN MALIK WITH NEW GIRLFRIEND PERRIE EDWARDS" My heart sinks. I know I was never dating him, and we haven't seen each other in like a month. But there was something in me that made me think something could've happened. I pick up the magazine, toss it to Damian, and he reads the cover. "Fuck." he says then runs to me and hugs me. I start tearing up, god Haley, get yourself together. "I really just need to get out of here" "Ok lets go" Damian hold my hand and we walk out to his car, I love having a guy best friend.   

 We get into his car and I just loose it, I really don't need to be crying, but I can't help it. "Haley, you can find someone much better than him. Plus, like you said, celebrities only care about themselves" "I know....its just...I dont know....I thought we could.." thats all I could get out over the tears. "Ok I have the perfect idea" Damian says putting the car into drive. We stop at blockbuster, go in and he gets She's the man, he knows Amanda Bynes movies are my favorite. Then we pull up to Harris Teeter, he tells me to stay in the car. About 5 minutes later he comes out with 2 containers of phish food. "Ok one more stop" "Oh my gosh, this is too much" "Well, I gotta make you feel better" We drive through Bojangles and he orders 2 large sweet teas. "Ok, now we're ready"  

 We get home and put in She's the Man, eat Phish food, and drink sweet tea. Damian is the perfect best friend. Sitting here with him, watching one of my favorite movies, made me forget all about Zayn. The movie is almost over, and I start to feel sick, I get up and run to the bathroom as fast as I can....

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