A few missed calls later...

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"If you like piña coladas, and getting caught in the rain" my phone wakes me up. I open my eyes and look around and notice I'm not in my hotel room. Trying to remember what all happened last night I roll over and to try and grab my phone but hit something. I look and see Zayn Malik laying in bed with no clothes on. "Shit." I say to myself as I climb out of bed to grab my phone. I unlock my phone..

"20 new texts and 9 missed calls" Oh crap, it's 10 o'clock, I left Caroline in the room. I look around trying to find my clothes. I find a bra on the TV stand, my underwear on the floor by the bed, then my shorts by the nightstand. My shirt, shit where is my shirt. I'm looking around for about a minute then realize its over by the bathroom. What did I do last night? I look around and see alcohol everywhere.. I start getting dressed and gathering my belongings. As I'm putting my shoes on Zayn wakes up, "Babe, where are you going?" "Zayn, I'm not quite sure what happened last night, but I have to go." "But Haley...." he says in an extremely sexy morning voice, making me want to stay. I grab his phone and put my number in, then throw the phone at him. "Ok, call me later if you really wanna talk" Then I run out of the room.

I'm running down the hallway and smash into someone, "OH MY GOD I'M SO SORRY" I say looking up, then I realize it was Niall Horan. "It's fine, wait how did you get up here? Our floor is blocked off..." "Well..you see......umm...I was with...Zayn" I say trying to make myself not sound like a slut, didn't work. "Ohhhh, that's what I heard last night?" "Oh god, this is so embarrassing" "Ha I was just kidding babe, but I did hear Harry complai..." I could tell he was still kidding so I nudged him causing him to shut up. "Ok fine no one heard anything. Oh you may need to wait awhile, there's fans outside everywhere. "Seriously?? I left my cousin at our hotel last night, I need to get back over there" "Yeah...not sure how thats gonna work..." "Well shit, I'll just call her I guess, thanks" "No problem, I'm gonna go get some breakfast, want any?" "No I'm fine, thanks"

I pick up my phone and start dialing Caroline's number. "HELLO!??!!? WHERE ARE YOU? WHY AREN'T YOU HERE!!" "Caroline calm down, I have to tell you something...." "What did you do Haley..?" "I slept with Zayn Malik" "YOU WHAT???" "I know, I'm so dumb, went downstairs to get my phone charger and saw him outside smoking, so I walked up to him, and we went up to his room, and drank, and yeah...." "OH MY GOD HALEY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" "I know!! I feel so dumb right now, but Niall told m-" "NIALL YOU TALKED TO NIALL OH MY GOD" "Caroline calm down, Niall told me that there's tons of fans outside so it isn't smart for me to come down and go over there, so go to the pool or get on twitter or something and I'll call you soon" "Tell Niall I love him, BYE!"

Shit, now what am I supposed to do. I guess I'll go back to Zayn's....... I walk to his hotel room door and knock. He opens the door standing there, still naked, I can hear the shower running. "Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" "Babe it's fine, I'm glad you came back" he says winking at me. "Do you wanna shower with me..?" "No Zayn, I need to get back to my cousin but Niall told me I need to stay in the hotel cause there's tons of fans outside" "Shit, I didn't think about that. They aren't going to leave for awhile, so I guess you're stuck with me" he says, winking again. At least I had a one night stand with someone so gorgeous. Zayn walks back into the bathroom and I go sit on the bed. I check my twitter. I'm following a few 1D update accounts, I see tweets saying that its rumored that a girl slept in on the boys rooms last night and they're waiting for someone to come out of the building. Oh. Shit. What am I gonna do?!?! I keep scrolling through twitter, there's only a few things mentioning it, thank god. 

I check my texts, I after the 5948 texts from Caroline, I see one from Damian, my guy best friend. I open the text "How was the concert last night? Where did you go after the concert? Caroline called me like 10 times" I respond "It was great, and that's a long story, I'll tell you when I get home later tonight" then I have another one from my aunt, "Hey Haley. When are you and Caroline going to be back at your house?" I honestly have no idea, I don't know when I'll be able to get out of this hotel. "I'm not sure yet, we'll probably get home later tonight, I'll text you when I know!" If my parents, or hers  find out I'm in deep shit. I feel really awkward in here, so I leave Zayn a note saying "Ok I'm going to try and make it out of the hotel. Call me if you wanna talk", grab my purse and leave. I feel bad for leaving, but its not like we're dating and I'm required to stay with him. 

I make my way down the hallway to the elevator, I pass Liam and say a quick hello, but keep walking because I need to get out of here. I get down to the ground floor and see so many fans waiting outside. I also see business people walking out too, so I get in the middle of their herd and walk out. I made it. I quickly run back to my hotel and swing open our hotel room. Caroline is sitting their on my laptop. "HALEY!!!" "Hi Caroline, I'm so sorry about last night" "It's fine, so tell me, was Zayn even hotter up close, and Niall and oh my gosh I can't believe this happened" "Caroline, calm yourself with the fangirling" "I'm sorry but it's not everyday your cousins has a one night stand with a member of your favorite band while you are back asleep in your hotel room!" "Ok, I guess you're right" We continue talking about everything that happened for about a hour. Then I decided we should head back home, so we pack up the car and get on the road. We pass the boys hotel on the way out and I can't help but think what would have happened if I stayed.....

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