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"Say dadda again baby." I say. She grabs ahold of my finger, and smiles.
"D-daddy" she coos.
"Awe Jess did u hear that?"
"Yes I did baby."
"We're almost home babe." I say into the phone.
"Ok babygirl." He says so sweetly.
"We're about five minutes away, I'll see u very soon ok?"
"Ok babe. I love you."
"I love you so much more baby boy." And we hang up. Finally, after five minutes I pull up to the house. I get out and walk to Ava's side and grab her. I hear the front door open, and feel two hands grab my waist.
"Hi baby." Jesse kisses my neck and then let's me go. He grabs Ava and spins her around.
"Hi my beautiful little princess." I smile at my little family.
"Here babygirl. U take Ava I'll get your things." I nod and take my daughter. I walk into the house and it's neat. I smell Jesse's favorite clongue (A/N: I don't know how to spell clongue).
"Daddy missed his girls, a lot princess." I hear Jesse say. He walks in with Ava and smiles at me once he sees me. I smile back and walk into the kitchen.
"I'm so sorry babygirl." I sigh and I feel him grab my waist.
"I swear I dropped her right after u left. I swear. You can even go through my phone." I turn around and hug him.
"I believe u baby boy." I say in his chest. He  kisses my head and plays with my hair. After about ten minutes, we hear Ava's cries in the living room.
"I'll get her baby." Jesse says, letting me go. I nod, and turn back around and walk to the fridge. I start crying out of no where.
"Hey baby, wanna go- baby? What's wrong?"
"I have no idea. Just hold me, please." He smiles and walks toward me and hugs me.
"Now, tell me what's wrong babygirl."
"I'm scared you're gonna cheat on me again." I say and burst into more tears. He rubs my back and kisses my head.
"I know you're scared baby, I know. But you shouldn't be scared babygirl. I made a mistake, and I'm not ever gonna make that same mistake again, I promise baby. All I need is you and Ava." I cry into his chest, and hug him tightly.
"I love u Jesse. So much." I look up at him, and he's already looking down at me.
"I love u way more babygirl." He kisses me, and I kiss him back. Before anything got more heated, Ava starts crying.
"I'll get it this time babe." I say and smile to Jesse.
"Ok babygirl." He smiles back.

A/n: hellooooooo. I think I wanna do another book, but I don't know. I feel like this one is confusing. I might do another one

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