The Fight..!

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**Aprils's POV** **Pic Is Jason **

I was walking to first period which is stupidly jym, I already had been in my my clothes since it was first period. I walk in and the gym teacher, Mr.Douglas is already talking but all I need to hear him say is the word "Dodgeball" YESSSS

he began, "Team A, and Team B. Also known as the team's I gave you a week ago." I was Team B, I had Shiloh and Jade in this class but sadly I have Sam in this class, him and Shiloh are on the opposite team.

 "On your marks, get set..." Mr. Douglas began. "Go!" We all sprinted to get a ball, I snatched one. It was going good and then I did a swift ball and got Shiloh. " Looks like Shy's out! " I annoyed her, then I turn my to see a fast ball straight in the face. I was sent flying. I was on the ground, my nose ached like hell. I felt my face and looked at my hands and they was blood. I look up to see Jade, Shiloh, and Cole squatting checking my nose. I look up to see Sam chuckling. "You" I yelled frightening everyone. I got up and fast walked towards him, "Did you do this" He nods and chuckles.

 "Shit!" Is all you hear when I punched him straight in the face. " You cunt! That fucking hurt" He said angrily holding his face. "Yeah I noticed" I said just as rude. he ran towards me but I when in a tackling stance and pushed him down, once on the ground he rolled me over and a nearby pin for what we played yesterday. 

 "Wait Sam!" Was the the last thing I heard before pain rushed through out me and I was blackness. "April, April come back to us" I heard a familiar  voice as it was Cole's. "Why the hell are you here..?" Was all I got out of my grouchy throat. He threw up his arms as the rest of my friends laughed. " So I can't see the person who just got the Shit beat out of them" He spoke sternly but childishly. "Actually she did pretty great" Shiloh corrected. "Yeah I beat his ass!" I yelled, as I tried to sit up my pain went through my head and face. " Fuuuuck" I screeched, "Hey dumb ass you just got bashed, chill out." Jade spoke. I saw Ava walk in with a sympathetic smile. I was confused until Sam came in after her with a nose brace. " You asshole! Why the hell are you here!? " I yelled, "Look I'm sorry, I came to apologize." He said quietly . " Asshole... " I muttered. "Uh hey I got asked out to Starlight! (The dance)" Ava spoke trying to change the subject, " Who?! " I said eagerly. "Me.." Sam spoke quietly . "Your still dating this prick?!" I said annoyed. " Yeah...I love him. " I sighed, "No touching, dancing, kissing, going to each others houses and no fucking fights" I spoke. "Oh yeah, Jade was asked out" Cole suddenly stated, Jade went stiff, " Who!? " I almost yelled. "Jason..." She spoke. "I knew it!" I yelled.

Just then the doctor came in, "You all may leave, April take the meds I gave you." I nodded as he left. We all got up and out the door, "I still wouldn't be surprised if no one asked me, just as I'm not surprised Jason asked Jade.." I smirked as I made Jade blush a little. " I know someone who might ask you" Shiloh spoke and Ava and her giggled. "Who?" I asked eagerly, "There in this room actually" Ava said between giggles. They all joined in except Cole Jade and I as  Cole and I were confused and Jade seemed to be thinking.

 Then Cole spoke silenty, "You mean me!?" The room silenced.. 

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