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My eyes widen. Sierra was shocked. We looked over at the members and just stared. What are they doing here, deep in a forest? At our secret place in the deep forest? All the way from people and other things? Aren't they supposed to be practicing for the MV "Not Today"? Why are they more beautiful in person? Why here? Why now? Why this? Why? Why? Why?

"Sorry for the surprise, they need an escape from the Famous life, you know?" Jeon Jong Hyun, Sierra's brother said.

SIerra looked at her brother with a very confused place.

"SO you bring them here out of all the places they could've gone?" She asked in a mad but confused voice.

"Also, Sierra... So i know that i have this from you for 17 years, but Jungkook is kind of... Possibly... For real... Like your brother." He continued. "So, um. Like I'm friends with all of them and I just didn't know how to tell you. PD nim wanted them to have a break."

Sierra looked over, shocked, at her brother and her brother looked back at her with a 'don't be mad' look.

"SO YOU BRING THEM HERE?!" Sierra yelled.

"I can't tell if your excited or just pissed with me." her brother said.

'What?' I thought.

I felt someone staring at me like in the store, and I looked over and saw that Taehyung was the one that was staring at me in the store and now! I felt a blush appear on my face.

'Why is he staring at me?' I yelled in my head

Our eyes locked and it made me blush more. His new chocolate like eyes. I swear that I got lost in them. After a while, I looked away, because I was going to blush even more. My heart was pounding faster than ever.

'My heart never pounded this fast and hard.' I thought, while glaring at myself mentally.

"So, let me processes this. Jungkook is my brother and you hid the fact for almost 17 years? Then all of a sudden you bring them here when PD min asked you to take them an a vaca? Who are you? Do I know you? What kind of brother are you! Why would an amazing brother like yourself keep this from me. I thought you were my Jesus!" Sierra yells, while slightly punching her brother's arm.

"I didn't know how to tell you, and I was afraid if i told you that you would be all crazy and jump on them.'" He said in defense.

Sierra paused. "You right." He laughed

Sierra and I both looked at the seven boys then looked at each other. We both had something on our mind, and I feel it isn't good. Something told me that my life just got a whole lot harder.


We all are in the underground place, UG for short. It was very awkward. I mean, BTS in UG. Like what is this. Is god giving me a sign? Do i notice this sign that God is giving me? Do I have to run? GOD please help me figure this out.

"Alright, I don't want this to stay awkward but... I thought we should all introduce ourselves." Namjoon said. "Instead of standing here, looking at each other awkward."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"But we already know you guys." Sierra said, with a small laugh.

"Still, it might be better than standing here." I said.

"True" She replied back

"I'm Namjoon"



"Seok-jin, but please call me Jin"



"And... I'm Jungkook."

Sierra and I nods, and we wave.

Sierra's Bias was... Hoesok, and mine was Teahyung. The thought of him staring at me was nice, but I was nervous, and I didn't know what to do. So, I just stood there like an idiotic person.

'What should I do?' I take a deep breath.

"I'm Sierra Tartaglio, and I don't take my brothers last name because of reasons." She glares at Jong Hyun.

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" I say, looking down at the ground with my hand on my other arm. "So, what are you guys doing back in Ulsan?" I ask.

"Jungkook was talking to his mother and she just told him that he had a sister, so we came with him. Also, our manger said that we needed a break from everything, because some of us was getting stressed and umm yeah. Sorry for the sudden visit." Namjoon said.

"Oh no its ok." I say.

Just then Jong Hyun dragged Sierra and Jungkook to another room that this place has.

I was here alone... with the rest of BTS.

"So I heard your name was, (Y/N). What an interesting name." Jimin said, with a cute thinking face.

"Yea, it's a very pretty name you got there Miss. (Y/N)." Namjoon said, with a wink.

"Stop flirting with the poor girl." Jin said, slapping Namjoon's shoulder, and people start to laugh. I chuckle.

"Hmm, yea (Y/N) is not a Korean name." Suga says, looking at me in the eyes.

"W-well, my dad is American and my mom is Korean. Sooo..." I say looking away from his eyes, only to meet the eyes of my bias, Taehyung.

I blushed and looked away.

"So, you guys want to watch T.V. until Jungkook, Sierra, and Jong Hyung come back?" I ask, hoping that it wouldn't get really awkward.

"Yea, sure. Tv sounds good." Hoesok said, moving toward the couch.

We all sit down on the couch and floor. I sat on the far-right corner. Next to me was Taehyung, then Jin, and Namjoon on the far-left side. Jimin sat in front of me on the floor, Hoesok was next to him and Suga was in front of Namjoon.

'It kind of was like a big family. Though, Taehyung and I were husband.... and wife.' I blush at my thought.

We were watching what seemed to be a show about a man trying to find his way back to his family. It was a boring show and for sure I was going to fall asleep.

We suddenly heard loud shouting and so we all got up to go see what happened. I was the first to see what happened.

"So, you mean to tell me that, by not telling me that he is my brother. SoOOO. My mind went and did things. I liked him, did weird things, and even did wattpad reading, all this to just find out he is my brother." She starts yelling, "I READ NAUSTY THINGS, ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"First off, ew. And Second off. I thought that you were a holy child. Sierra, just ew. Now he is your brother and you have to deal with it." Jong Hyun says, trying to be calm.

"Deal with it? That fact that I just shouted all of this out, in front of him, and having him as my sibling.... Hyung, you piss me off." Sierra rubs her head, "I'm sorry Jungkook."

"Yay, siblings" Jungkook says when he notices we were watching them.

'Oh lord. What did we get into?' Was the only thing on my mind.

I shake my head, feeling an embarrassed blush come upon my face.

~edited 8/28/19~

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