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I walk into the dark street with, for some reason, there was no street light. I felt the cold breeze on my skin and I started to get goose bumps. I wrap my arms around me and walk a little faster to home. I look up at the dark sky.

'Beautiful.' I thought.

I look back forward and realize that I'm home. I regret walking faster now. I slowly opening the door, trying not to wake my mother up.

"Mmmm, Keep going Shawn."

I freeze. My mom has a man over. I quickly and quietly get inside and shut the door.

"You like that-" I freeze again. I look over and saw the man staring at me. "HEY! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!"

My eyes widen, I can't move.
My mother looks over her shoulder and sees me. Her eyes get really dark.

"WHY ARE YOU HOME SO LATE?!" She jumps off the counter and starting charging to me.
My body won't move. I just starred at her.
When she reached me, she slapped me really hard.

"You worthless shit, I thought I told you to be home at 9. Where were you?! Were you with a boy?!" She got mad and kicked me causing me to fall to the floor. She continued to kick me.
She kicked my stomach so hard, the air was knocked out of me. I gasp for air and my body starts to feel the pain more.

"Cindy, calm down." The man, Shawn, said pushing my mom out of the way, leaving her dumbfounded.   

He walked to me and crouched down. "Are you ok?" he asks.

I get my breath again and nod.

"No you're not. Come here, let me take you to your room." He lifted me up and walked away from my mother. My eyes widen.

"Alright, which way to your room, ma'am?" He asks.


"Clearly." He rolls his eyes. He looks back at me with a question look.

I point the way and he nod.
Once we made it to my room, he opened the door and walks to my bed. He gently sets me down on my bed and sit next to me. I shake, not knowing what he wants or what he's going to do.

"Your mother abuses you, huh?" He asks
I stay quiet.

He sighs. "My father abused me when my mom left him. It wasn't the best 10 years of my life, but I fought through it. You shouldn't be going through it. I know I was just upstairs, having sex with your mom, but I, for one, didn't know she had a child, and two, she was abusive. I would tell you to go to the police, but they don't really help when you have a mom that is so resisting and "trustworthy". If you ever need someone to help you, just call me." He grabs my phone off the bed and puts his number in. He pats my back and gets up.

"Well, I have to go now." He smiles.

"Bye..." I say quietly, because of my dry throat.


He walks out of my door and I'm left confused.

'He actually wants to help me?' I thought over and over again. I shake my head and think nothing of it.

I get up and slowly walk over to my dresser. I grab some shorts and a shirt.

'Damn, I really need new clothes.' I thought to myself.

I walk back to my bed and sit on it. That's when I hear something barg through my door.

"SO, You think since there was someone here to protect you means you don't get your daily beating? You seriously thought wrong." she rushing to me.

I put my hand up and block my face, only allowing her to grab them and throwing me across the floor. I stay on the floor, fear of getting up.

"You can't ever listen? Seems like you need some to teach you a lesson, which should hurt... A LOT!" She screams the last part.

"Jerry, Get in here!" A man came in, he wore a black outfit and white shoes. He had a creepy smile.

"Have fun" was the last thing my mother said, closing my door and locking it.

The creepy man, named Jerry, walked closer and closer to me. Make himself even more creepier. My eyes widen, realizing what my mother meant.

'How can she do that? Why is she so cruel-' My thoughts were interrupted by the man crouching down to my level and touching my hair.

My body reacts by me slapping his hand away and crawling backwards, away from him.

"You shouldn't have done that." He says in a deep voice.

I close my eyes, wishing this was all a dream.
He comes closer to me and picks me up, placing me on my bed.
"Now... let's have fun, ok? Don't fight back, or it'll just be worst." he says.

He touches my thighs, slowly going up and gripping my inner thighs. Tears escape my eyes, and guide down my face. He hand goes higher, touching my face.

"Don't cry sweetheart. I just started."
The next morning, I wake up with a huge pain. I realize what happened last night with that man and began to cry.

'I was raped.' was the only thing I was thinking of.

I get up, only to fall to the floor because of the pain, I slowly get up once more and walk to my dresser. I grabbed clothes and walked to the downstairs bathroom.

I close the door and look into the mirror. Tears began to fall down my face again. I saw on the marks he left on me. I felt dirty. I quickly hopped in the shower.
"Hey, how you are feeling?" Sierra asks, handing me some coffee.

I stayed silent.

"Come on (Y/N), what happened last night? What did she do to you?"

Sierra was worried, I would be too. What that man did to me last night was something that will haunt me forever.

I heard the bell ring, meaning someone was entering the store. I didn't move. Sierra sighed and got up.

"Hello, how are you?" I heard someone say.

"I'm Ok, Jungkook Oppa. Just (Y/N) is kind of off to day." Sierra replies.

"What do you mean?" I heard him ask.

"Well, she's quiet, but like more quiet then normal and it's scaring me." Sierra says.

"You want me to talk to her?" He ask, in a worried voice.

"I mean. If you want."

I heard a door open and saw Jungkook come in.

"Hey Noona, I heard you're not doing so well. Is everything ok?" He tilts his head.

I chuckle, "Since when did you start calling me Noona?" I ask in a quiet voice.

"Since now."



"It's weird."


"Jungkook, stop asking questions!"

He chuckles.

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