uncharted territory

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"get up you lazy good for nothing. we don't keep you alive to lay around all day you have work to do and the captain want's to see you. or should I just go ahead and remove another body part"I stirred and shivered at the thought. with great effort, I stood from the hard wooden thing the captain refers to like my bed. my muscles still ached from loading cargo. "that's more like. you've already missed breakfast so you'll just have to make do with whatever scraps are left. which in your case is just this small piece of bread" the man tossed it at me, nailing me in the head. I bent over and picked up the bread with my cyber arm. I sighed as I looked at. that's what I get for disobeying the captain. an advanced piece of machinery that only looks like a real arm. my right eye as well. I shuffled over to the door as the man diapered into the light-filled room.

as I stepped out from the closest that is my quarters I shielded my eyes from the bright solar lights. my quarters didn't receive any sort of light save for the small glow lamp I kept beside it. "hurry up" the man bellowed as he stepped into the elevator on the other side of the room. I quickened my pace and weaved through tables. he scowled as I stepped in and hit a button to the bridge. the elevator ascended quietly and smoothly.

it stopped and I was greeted with a beer mug made of glass straight to the head. I fell tot he floor rubbing the welt growing on my head. "the next time you make me wait so long it won't be glass I'm throwing at you" I nodded and looked up. the captain grabbed my shirt by the collar and dragged over to the control console. "start navigating" he barked. I mean that literally. the captain is a white fured lycan. anthropomorphic dog-like being or so i've heard from that left behinde. truth be told i don't know what a dog is. I nodded and took a seat. "where too exactly" the captain sat down in his red velvet throne-like chair and looked at me. "uncharted territory. little ways south of sector eight" I flinched as did everyone in the room which was about eight different people. "uh captain you realize that takes us along the outer edge of the event right" the captain glared at lizan. lizans are anthro lizards, also described by those who were left behind. " I'm aware larenza but my ship can handle al little bit of negative waves. not to mention we have the technomancer here to help bolster the shields" he gestured to me. my spices, technomancers, are human-like in appearance with the exception of circuit like birthmarks on our bodies in various locations. we also have a unique connection with technology. some can make float and move, other can break it as if it were paper. me. I can do something to it. I don't really know what I do to technology exactly but I can make it float and break but I don't get the same sensation. it doesn't feel like that's what I'm doing to it. 

"you're putting a lot of faith in my abilities captain. I've never tried to bolster before. it might not work" bolstering is a technique that allows a technomancer to increase the effectiveness of a pice of technology the cost is that whatever it's used on doesn't last long and most often renders it useless afterwards. " I'm sure you can figure it out. you just need the right incentive" the captain pulled out his blaster and aimed it at me "you put a hole in my ship I put one in you got it" I nodded and started navigating the ship on the course he set" 

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