Chapter 2: A Mentor Once More

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Chapter 2: A Mentor Once More

It's been two days since you returned to Beacon with the bodies of CFVY and the living team JNPR. It wasn't the first time you saw friends be buried in the cemetery, but it still wasn't easy. Some students cried, some were angry, others even yelled at you for not getting there in time. You didn't react. You didn't respond. You sat there and respected your fallen comrades who sacrificed themselves to save their students... something you couldn't even do.

JNPR was sent to the medical wing for small treatment and was asked to come in the next day. That day... is today. Jaune, Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren sit in front of Ozpin's desk. Glynda's there, standing beside the sitting headmaster. You're there, leaning against one of the pillars in the room as you hear their side of the story once more. Ozpin glances over at you every so often and you meet his gaze with no hesitation.

You know it too, don't you?

After some shaky words and bad memories, the room goes silent as each person is left to their own thoughts. Ozpin takes a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"I see. Well... we'll have Huntsmen look into this."

"You'll have me look into this," you cut in, attracting everyone's gaze.

"No. I have a different assignment for you."

"A different assignment?" You repeat, pushing off the pillar and walking forward. "This is the perfect assignment for me!"

"No, it's not. These four," he gestures to the sitting students. "Need a new mentor."

You stop in place and scowl at your headmaster. "You..."

"(Y/N) Gray, you are now responsible for team JNPR."


"That's not debatable," Ozpin firmly speaks. "I'll hear no more arguments."

"Tsk," you look down at the men and women. "...fine..." You begrudgingly say. "But-"

"We'll discuss your involvement with this case another time," Ozpin smiles, his tone back to normal.

"I'll hold you to that. Come on," you flick your head towards the elevator. "If you're my team I need to make sure you're ready."

"Ready?" Jaune repeats, looking at his teammates.

The others shrug before getting out of their seats and following you into the elevator. You give Ozpin one last look before the elevator closes.

"Professor Ozpin... are you certain it's wise to let him work on this case?" Glynda inquires.

"I do," Ozpin nods. "There's no better person, in fact." Ozpin turns chair to face Glynda. "Could you summon Qrow for me? It would be much appreciated."

"Of course," Glynda bows her head before heading towards the elevator.

Ozpin waits for her to leave before sighing. "I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this," Ozpin steps out of his chair and walks to his window, taking in the view. "But it appears I have no choice... I have to make sure she's truly free."


I have to make sure that was them. If I check the cave... their bodies would still be there, or at least their weapons. There'd be something letting me know.

"(Y/N)?" Pyrrha's voice breaks derails your train of thought.

"Yeah, what?" You shake your head before looking.

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