Chapter 5: Weight on your Shoulders

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Chapter 5: Weight on your Shoulders

You stretch from one side to another after dominating one of your fellow students in practice.

"You left yourself open too many times," you stand up and turn your back on him. "Tighten up your style or a Grimm will tear you apart."

Glynda marks the results down. "(Y/N) Gray is the winner. That was the last match for this class. You're all dismissed."

You scratch your nose as you march up the stairs to grab your supplies.

It's been a few days... I thought Qrow was supposed to report back already.

You swing your bag over your shoulder and head for the exit.

Maybe I should talk to Ozpin about it before I train with JNPR.

You exit the Coliseum and are stopped by your redheaded apprentice. She waves her hand, smiling. "Hello again!"

"Hello, Pyrrha," you give a quick smirk before returning your gaze forward.

"W-Wait!" She waves her hands as she hops in front of you. "I wanted to talk to you."

"We're seeing each other in an hour for training. Can you not ask there?"

"Well, friends tend to spend time together when they don't have to," she says with a coy smile.

You sigh. "Alright, fine. I'm dropping off this stuff off at my dorm so... I suppose you and accompany me."

"Wonderful, let's go," she turns around, waiting for you to pass by.

You remain silent, not bothering to look over at the girl as you walk. Your eyes do wander to the other students loitering the area. Something about it all is making you uneasy. Though you've learned to ignore it, your arm has been pulsing far more than usual as of late. You can't determine the cause and can't find any of your previous team. Perhaps you were wrong in assuming that feeling was indicating one of them. Maybe the cursed power is trying to spread against your will. If so, you have more reason to speak with Ozpin. Perhaps he can suppress it or something along those lines.

"So... training has been fun!"

"I suppose," you shrug. "It's meant to increase your capabilities more than being 'fun.'"

"I know that," Pyrrha rests her hand on her head and sighs. "But we're all enjoying it."

"That helps increase the effect, so that's a goo-"

"You were more open last time we spoke alone," she says with a slight pout.

You huff, hunching forward. "Yeah... I guess I set the bar too high for me," you stand up straight and look over at the girl. "Fine, how was your day? I assume your classes are finished."

"That's correct!" She replies with far more cheer.

Wow, way to change your attitude.

"I helped Jaune and Nora study for the upcoming Grimm Biology test, I tuned up my weapons, cleaned my armour, and-"

You hold your tongue from interrupting considering the fact you don't really care about small talk and her daily activities. You just want to drop everything off and speak to Ozpin. You "listen" to Pyrrha go on and on as you make your way across Beacon and to your dormitory. You stop at the door and flash your scroll.

"Do you want to come in?" You offer as you open the door.

"Oh... okay!" She nods.

You hold the door for her then enter after. She looks around a few items and... empty beds. They're all neatly made, everything is in order and untouched. One is messier with a bedside table hosting an alarm clock and lamp. Her heart drops for a moment at the sight of what you used to have, and how you're likely trying to hold onto it. The pillows, the sheets, everything is too clean and well made. There's no way you're not keeping on top of it.

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