Chapter 3: The Shadows Strike with Burning Blood...

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Chapter 3: The Shadows Strike withBurning Blood, So Here's a Treat for your Trouble

"It's awesome that we get to search for these people," a young man repeats as he and his three friends wander the streets of Vale at night.

"I don't think so," his female teammate responds. "We have nothing... it's just empty."

"I don't know whether I'm happy about that or not," another female rolls her eyes. "This sucks. It's not worth skipping class tomorrow."

"No way, the leader shakes his head. "Trust me, we walk around for a few hours and then we get the day off!"

"Help! HELP ME!" The team hears a girl screaming in the distance.

"CLCM, let's move," the leader shouts, brandishing his blade and sprinting ahead.

The four students run down the road and cut into the alleyway. There, a young woman is on her side, crying. She leader slows down and sheaths his blade.

"Hey, are you okay? We're Huntsmen-in-Training. We're here to help," he slowly approaches her.

"Come on, grab her and let's get out of here," the third girl speaks, looking to the sky.

Unfortunately, she barely missed two shadows leaping over the building.

The leader kneels down and places a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Come on, it's okay."

The woman stops crying... she's happy. They can't see it, but she's smiling... and her eyes are shining red.


"More and more people are going missing every day. Vale police are now endorsing a curfew for any non-combatants. Please keep yourselves safe. In other news-"

You shut the scroll and toss it to the side of your bed while you lay back on the comfy mattress.

"Missing person's, huh? Damnit," you start stretching your fingers till each crack. "It's been two days since we found that cave and still nothing. I feel so useless here."

You rest your hand behind your head and sigh. "If Ozpin expects me to sit here and-"

Knock Knock

You look to your door and immediately start wondering who's there. JNPR? Ozpin? A teacher? A fellow team? You shift off your bed and approach the door, deciding to just check rather than brainstorm. With a quick opening, you're greeted with the Headmaster.

"Ozpin?" You raise your brow. "It's Friday... I assume you have some sort of mission for me?"

"Team CLCM has gone missing," he bluntly states.

"What? They were the second best third-year team!"

"I know. May I come in?"

You step aside and let the elder man inside your dorm. "They were patrolling Vale, right?"

"Indeed. Unfortunately, they're the third Beacon team that's gone missing," Ozpin sighs. "We lost two Huntsmen, countless policemen... something is hunting in Vale. I would like you," he turns to face you. "To find it."

"I'd rather be focusing on the cave," you retort.

"This may be related to that. (Y/N)," Ozpin steps closer to you. "When the cave collapsed, you were cursed with-"

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