Chapter 6: Spreading Like Wild Fire

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Chapter 6: Spreading Like Wild Fire

You stay at Pyrrha's side as the girl rests in one of the medical wing's rooms. Her hair isn't in a ponytail, so it seems like a red waterfall trailing down the bed. Though, that's far from the most interesting feature she now has. You place your left arm on her stomach, taking in a deep breath then exhaling all the collected air.

"I'm sorry..."

On cue, Ozpin opens the door and walks in. You already briefly informed him of what transpired, thus he's here to get the full story. He stands at the edge of Pyrrha's bed, situating himself left of you.

"Show me."

You close your eyes and exhale once more. Slowly, you shift the blankets to still cover the girl, but expose her stomach – though it's still covered by the gown. You shift that out of the way and make light of the twisted power now dwelling in Pyrrha's stomach. Like your arm, it has green swirls with a red stone texture instead of gray.

"You... infected her."

"I had no choice," you sharply reply, instantly telling Ozpin that you're on the edge. "She would have died – I couldn't... I couldn't let that happen again... not while I was there," you shake your fallen head, hiding your eyes from Ozpin. "And I..."

Before you can finish, Pyrrha starts to stir. You quickly cover her up and take a step back, turning your back to her. Ozpin glares at you for a moment before giving Pyrrha a warm smile.

"Ms. Nikos... can you hear me?" He says in a calm tone.

"Professor..." Pyrrha whispers, still coming back to reality. "Am... where am I?"

"You're back at Beacon. Everything is fine."

Pyrrha's eyes soon open fully, allowing her to take in the environment. She sees the room, gathering that she's in the medical wing, she sees Ozpin, and she sees you.

"(Y/N)? You... got us out?"

"Y-Yeah," you hesitantly reply. "You can say that."

"But... I was hurt," she looks down at her stomach. "How did-"

"We... have some things to talk about, Ms. Nikos," Ozpin cuts in. Unfortunately," he squints at you for a moment. "We have things to discuss."

"Is it about those people?"

"Partly... and also about you, (Y/N)... and even me."

"Professor, I'm not quite sure I know what you're talking about," Pyrrha says with an attempt to keep the air light.

"Those people... my former teammates..." You start to speak. "They found something in a cave that overwhelmed them and even," you turn around to face the girl. "Even got me."

"What do you mean?"

You sigh, unsure how to explain it. So, you decide to show her. You slowly undo your bandages, revealing the gray and green texture as soon as your shoulder is revealed. Even Ozpin is taken back by this.

"(Y/N), you've-"

"I know," you cut it. "I know... I had no choice."

You undo the rest of it, showing off your corrupted arm. Pyrrha places a hand over her mouth in shock. She has no idea how to reply to that.

"The... essence that took over my friends, caused them to do all this, also tried to take me. Now... I'm like them, in a way... and..." You grind your teeth and look away, unable to tell her with eye contact. "I... had to..." You clench your fists as hard as you can. "You were going to die, so... I... gave you it too..." Pyrrha doesn't reply, leading you to elaborate further. "Just... look at your stomach, where you were hurt."

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