stars fading, but i linger on, dear.

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Stars Fading, But I Linger On, Dear!

SUMMARY; One afternoon, Alicia Hastings accidentally leaves her favorite book whilst attempting a dramatic exit. Two days later, Jesse St. James returns it upon vandalization. St. Hastings ft. Kurt Hummel. Extra for chapter nineteen of Love Like Fools, "I Dreamed a Dream."


PAIRING(S); Jesse St. James/Alicia Hastings; implied Falicia and St. Berry.

TRIGGER WARNINGS; Disrespect of books.

NOTE(S); Titled derived from "Dream a Little Dream" by Kevin McHale. // More Jesse/Alicia extras were requested so here you go! They're fun to write for and, I hope, fun to read. x

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Girls like Alicia Hastings should not attempt dramatic exits.

In the midst of the weekly drama (there was nothing more painful than knowing Artie's aspirations of walking were terribly unrealistic), it dawned on her that her favorite Harry Potter book was missing. A fit of irritation led to fleeing the library like the Flash. 

This was not good.

Asking Jesse for the book was the sensible thing to do. He had to have it, she'd left it with him before storming out and nearly falling flat on her face. But since when was sensibility any friend of Alicia's? She had feelings for her best--

Best cat. Not best friend. She wasn't going to dwell, and she'd rather have a crush on her cat than Finn Hudson. No offense to either.

Instead, she waited patiently for him to return it. And yet, as two afternoons passed and she noticed him whispering with Rachel (from what she heard, they were discussing some woman, but she couldn't imagine who), her book nowhere in sight, she lost hope. Maybe he had abandoned it at the library and one of the three other people who went in there snagged it.

Realistically, it was only a book.

Emotionally, it was the greatest book of all time and the thought of never holding her original copy again cracked Alicia's soul more than You-Know-Who's horcruxes cracked his.

"I haven't seen it anywhere," Alicia vented to Kurt, who watched her wide slightly wide eyes. "I've searched the entire library. Twice! Eventually the librarian, who I am pretty sure hates me, told me to get out or she was calling security. Security. As if we have security, we get pushed into lockers and slushied all the time and no one helps!"

Kurt nodded warily. She was unsure if he was listening, but expressing it was relieving. "Why don't you ask Jesse for the book?"

Alicia wrinkled her nose. "Why don't you just ask Rachel for vocal lessons? It's the same level of humiliation, Kurt. Besides, I can find the book on my own. And you're an amazing singer without her help, please don't give me that look."

He sighed, fiddling with the History textbook tucked under his arm. Perhaps bombarding him between classes to have a mental breakdown was not her brightest idea. "Alicia, I realized we've come to an understanding about your adorable yet admittedly self-destructive feelings for--"

"If you don't end that sentence with a fictional name, like Kara Danvers or Draco Malfoy, I may never forgive you."

He leveled a knowing look at her. She stared back innocently. "You are such a difficult person sometimes, it's like being around an unnervingly shorter, more emotionally stable Rachel Berry."

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