Chapter 11: Binary

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I smiled to myself, watching the crystal glass fill with the yellow alcoholic liquid, before handing it to a guest and walk away with a smile. I adjusted my skirt and took another glass, grabbing a cloth from a metal bar and cleaning it, having a man take my place to serve drinks. I could finally rest and dry glasses instead, it was an exhausting job. 

I placed the last glass down and noticed Dyslexa standing at a table, talking to some teenage guests, specifically men, all seemed normal, but she had been there for quite a long time, and it baffled me how a robot could sustain a conversation with strangers for so long--but I then forgot she was a robot that was supposed to entertain, bring joy and talk to people, and it made me silently frown, looking away from the scene. I walked into the storage room, which was a door just behind the bar, where workers refill the drinks in the machines, and I sat down on a small bench, carefully placing the towel and glass down. I held my head in my hands and sighed, tired and half asleep from working for hours on end, but it had to be done. A loud cheering ripped through the silence, it annoyed me, but I remained calm; something was bugging me severely, and I needn't know what it is. 


Break time finally came, and Dyslexa hasn't returned to the bar for almost an hour, and I was having what feels to be a panic attack; she was meant to be a waitress, but she was nowhere to be seen in the restaurant. I decided to do what was best and talk to some other workers, asking if they have seen her, but they all either shook their heads with a polite 'no sorry' or 'I last saw her at table 12' which seemed suspicious; that was the table she was having the conversations with, the group of teenagers.


I stood at the bar, shocked and confused with myself, forgetting I was meant to be on break. I ran out as fast as I could, my eyes being struck with the blazing sun's radiation, which made me stagger back and lose track of where I was. I kept my balance and continued to run, flicking sand behind me as I went. I looked around at the beach, but she was nowhere, I looked in the break building but she wasn't there either. The same question roamed through my mind so often, constantly reminding me, why did I care for a robot?

I didn't give up, I ran all the way back to my house, panting for breath once I made it to my doorstep. I punched in the code and swung my door open, not noticing the tears streaming down my cheeks, the heat from inside my house helped me feel them on my skin.

"Dyslexa!" I yelled, earning not a peep. She would have never had ran away or went off without coming back for so long. I walked brokenly into my room, and my heart split into vertical pieces at the sounds coming from behind my door; gentle laments, which sounded like they were autotuned only by a minimum percentage. I slowly pushed my door open and sighed. "Dyslexa!" I yelled again, but she didn't stop, she was jolting and twitching her head, curled up in a ball on my bed, half buried in my sheets. I walked up to her fast and held one of her wrists, which was vibrating violently. "What's wrong!?" I sat on the bed, resting myself onto my knees. 

"01001101 01101001 01101100 01101001 01110100 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100001 01110011 01100101 0001010-" She grabbed my shoulders suddenly and begged me with her eyes, sadness and desperation were all I saw, and it shattered and tore me apart seeing something so happy in such pain.

"Calm down! What are you trying to say? Do you want to wri-" I was cut off with more numbers like '01110100 01110010 01100001 01100011 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 0001010' spoken fast and rapid, it was unnatural, and it was like she wasn't making the sounds naturally, but rather from inside her. She jolted again and cried out. I just sat and held her hands tightly, tears pouring from my eyes like waterfalls. 

"01100100 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110101 01101110 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100011 01101001 01100110 01101001 01100101 01100100 0001010-" She lunged herself at me, hugging me and clawing at my hands. I did as she wanted and wrapped them around her too. 

"Dyslexa, please-- I'm scared--I don't know what you are saying! Please give me a sign-" I dried my tears in her hair, the vibrations inside of her not phasing me.

"01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101- -" She robotically spoke, as if it was passionate. " 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101 01100100 ---" 

"Dyslexa, calm down." I stroked her back, tracing my fingers along her spine that bulged through her back, smiling so slightly at the perfectioned shapes. She finally stopped speaking numbers and she calmed down, her breathing steadied. "You're making so sense, girl." I huffed a stifled laugh, "Don't ever leave like that again, and that's an order!" I pulled away harshly and stared at her now dimmed lenses.

"A-Aplo--logies--Bri-anna-" She jolted and pushed her head into my chest, finding comfort just lying, peacefully with me. 

"I can't have you disappearing." My hand pet her silky bubbly strands, sliding each lock between each finger, rejoicing every second.

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