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"I have an Ideeeaaaa!!!" Tony yelled in a distance.

My legs were on Buckys lap as we were just taking. "That's never good." I said turning around Watching Tony walk into the living room. "Aww look at my love birds." I rolled my eyes "We're Not together." Bucky and I synchronized. "Not for long." Tony said. I rolled my eyes.

You see, I've had a little crush on Bucky for a while. Of course I would love to be with him but, Him coming from his time might change his mind completely.

"All children please enter the living room!" He yelled for everyone, and soon enough everyone was in the room. Steve next to Bucky and Sam next to Steve while Wanda was sitting next to me. on the other couch had Vision sitting very weirdly, ok then. Thor and Loki were sitting together as Clint and Pietro were also sitting together on a different couch. And with surprise we have Natasha sitting on the floor in front of Clint with Bruce right next to her. And Rhodey all by himself in a chair. "What is this about?" Sam said already upset. "Sam, my good friend-" "Were not that much of friends." Sam crossed his arms. "With that attitude your going first." Tony said.

All of us confused Soon Tony smirked and pulled out alcohol from behind his back. "This is truth or dare." "What are we 12?" Pietro's asked annoyed also. "I'm leaving." Clint got up. "You leave you have a chore that you own." "So, We all have chores and they mix up." "You keep its for 3 months. And I pick it." Tony then smirked. "If your given a dare and don't do it. You take a shot. You're given a truth and don't do it. You take a shot."

"You sly little bastard." Natasha said. Soon Clint sat back down. "Fine mom." he crossed his arms. "Sam, As I said before, Your up." "Let's get this over with." Sam crossed his arms. "Truth or dare birdie." Tony said rubbing his hands together. "Truth." Sam rolled his eyes. "What is your deepest darkest fear?" Tony said smiling. "Having my steering wheel ripped off." He turned to Bucky. I personally started laughing and soon everyone else joined me also.

"Bruce Truth or dare?" Sam asked. "Um truth?" he question himself. "What's with you and Natasha? Are you together ooorrr?" Bruce looked confused himself. "Well um." He turned to Natasha. Natasha smirked. "I'll take that shot please." He reached forward and downed the drink. This cause Natasha to laugh.

"Wanda, Truth or Dare." He asked. "Dare." Her accent very thick. "Get slapped in the face by the person of your choosing." "Dang Bruce, That's aggressive." Rhodey said. Bruce just shrugged. "Pietro." Wanda choose. "Are you sure?" Pietro laughed. "You slapped me when we were kids, It didn't hurt then so It won't hurt now."

That's where she was very wrong.

Literally in 2 seconds Wanda's cheek was red and she was cradling it. Soon enough she was screaming Russian profanity's that only Natasha, Bucky, And Pietro understood. "I'm gonna kill you." She said getting up to walk to the fridge. "Who's next?" Tony asked. "Why not you huh?" Wanda's said walking back over to sit down. She put the ice pack to her face. "Tony, Truth or dare?" "Dare missy." "I dare you to do the dishes for 3 months and you can't your little robots to help you." Everyone was silent. "She got you good." I said holding in a laugh.

"Y/n, Truth Or Dare?" Tony asked me. I rolled my eyes at this game. "Dare." "I dare you to have a full 15 second make out session with Metal boy over here." I turned to Bucky to see his Surprised face. "Isn't it technically up to Bucky." "Not really, It's your dare so get going." Natasha said holing in a laugh. "What doll? You don't wanna kiss me?"  "Fine lets get this over with."

Before Bucky could say anything else I grabbed his face and kissed him. It didn't take him long to kiss back. His hand was soon on my thigh slowly pulling me closer. I closed the same space between us both and had my hands now mixed in him hair, lightly tugging it. It didn't take long for Bucky to find his way to add his tongue into all of this. He licked my bottom lip entrance but I didn't give it to him until he squeezed my thigh tightly which made me gasp causing him to push his tongue inside and obviously he won the fight for dominance. It felt like nothing was around us until I realized I was running out of breath.

I slowly pulling away and slowly opened my eyes seeing him smirk happily. "That was longer than 15 seconds" Clint said. "That was a minute actually." Tony smirked. I grabbed a shot and downed it. "You did your dare?" Wanda said. "I know, I needed the drink." I turned to Bucky. Soon Bucky took a shot too. "So do I." He smiled. "Who should I pick next though?" I questioned myself.

"Natasha!" She turned to me. "Truth or dare" "Dare." She smirked. "Hmmm, I dare you tooo," I looked around the room. "I'm not very good at this." I started to think. "I dare you to go drink the spoiled milk in the fridge." "We don't have any spoiled milk." "Here I'll help you." I got up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed the milk and watch it deteriorate in my hand. "There we go." I smiled.

I have the power age things into being old or rotten and I could also age them younger to be more fresh or heal them I guess. "That's disgusting." "I know, drink up." I smiled even more. "Fuck that." She took two shots easily. "Stop taking shots when you don't need to!" Tony said.

"Stop being cheap acting like your not a billionaire." Loki said clearly annoyed by this 'mortal' game. "Loki truth or dare." Natasha said. "I will not partake in your idiotic mortal game." He hissed. "Stop being a pussy and answer the question." Natasha said annoyed by him all together. Loki surprised by this action grunted. "Truth." "You had sex yet?" "That is none of your business." He answered. "Then take the shot." I said pouring new shots.

I tried to hand it to him but he slapped it out of my hand.

"Hey!" Bucky said aggressively. Looking like he was going to get up. "And what are you going to do you worthless mortal?" "Loki that's enough." Thor added. "A thing that should be stepped-" That's enough. I walked over to Loki and slapped him. "Say your sorry." I said like my mother would. "I shall not!" I grabbed his ear. "I said! Say. Your. Sorry." I pointed to Bucky. "My apologies." He said in a very low whisper. "I ain't hear you." "My apologies!" He yelled.

I let go of his ear and got in his face. "You listen to me. In this tower, No ones scared of you. And I surely will not tolerate you dealing with my friends like they're nothing. You wanna act like your 5 years old and I will gladly treat you as such. Ok." "Yes Ma'am." That surely got rid of his pride. I turned back around and sat down crossing my legs.

"Whose next?"

"I say the games over." Bucky turns to me. "That's up to me." Tony said confused and surprised. "That's nice and all but me and Doll are gonna go talk." Effortlessly Bucky pulled me into him lap and carried me bridal style out of the living room. I covered my face from the smile that was forming. "I'll give you chores!" Tony yelled. "I'll do mine and hers." Bucky walked into my room.

He slowly put me down obviously smiling out of pride. "What was that abou-" He swiftly grabbed my face and pulled me into a kiss. Still partly amazed, it took me a while but I finally kissed him back. I had my hand now resting on his cheek as he soon let go of my face now holding my hips. The kiss was slow, something I enjoyed. I knew for sure Bucky was bending down so I slowly pulled away.

He slowly opened his eyes keeping the small space between us. "How about a nice little fancy date for us doll." "Really?" I smiled softly. "Tomorrow at 7. Wear something nice." He smiled and winked. "Ok." I whispered out.

Then he turned around and left.

I guess I have a date tomorrow.

Thank you guys so much for supporting me and still wanting to even read my stuff but I hope you enjoy this and I'm sorry i didn't upload the venom thing but i'm almost done so you might get a double upload today sooo, I love you all, bye babes♥️♥️♥️♥️

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