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"Logan..." I whispered in his ear as he laid on top of me. He only groaned. I giggled. I could feel him smile lightly on my chest. A thing he would do only when around me. "Stop. That tickles." I laughed a little as he just kissed my chest making his stubble graze over me. "Baby." I laughed. He finally looked up smiling at me. "Hi." He whispered at me. "Hey." I whispered back at his smile. "How you doing?" He asked. "I'm fine how are you." I held in a laugh at his question. "I love you." He leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed him back as he pulled away. "I love you too." I softly pressed my lips on his forehead.

"What should we do today?" I asked as he laid back down on my chest. "I'm stayin' right here," He squeezed me a little. "And you stayin' here with me." He softly kissed my chest. "What happens if I'm hungry?" I play with his hair smiling. "You got chips in that drawer, and a water bottle on top." His voice was muffled by snuggling into me.

"But my breath stinks, I'll need to brush my teeth." He looked up at me and kissed me again. "I don't care." He laid back down on me. "You're such a baby." I giggled at his words. "And this baby ain't leaving his momma." I gasped at his words. "Logan!" All he could do was laugh at his own immature joke. 

"You so gorgeous." He kissed my chest again. "Stop it." I smiled. "I'm being honest. I cant be truthful?" I kissed his forehead. "Please let me eat." I whined and he just looked at me. "Ok." He muttered and slowly got off of me. "Cmon, Lets brush our teeth." He helped me up.

We walked into the bathroom and brushed our teeth as he just looked at me. "Stop lookin' at me." My voice was muffled by the tooth paste. He spit and put his tooth brush back. "I said you were pretty," He moved behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. "I'm just admiring your beauty." I spit in the sink "Aren't you good with the ladies." I giggled and he just laughed softly.

"I'm good with my own lady." "Stop with the cheesy lines." I giggled. "Lets get you something to eat." He pulled me by my waist out of the bathroom into the kitchen. "I can make waffles?" I said breaking away from his hold. He sat down at the stool. "How about something simple? Bacon and eggs." He put his chin in his palm. "Yeah, that sounds good." I turned around and opened the fridge taking out the bacon and eggs.

(btw i heard that people make bacon using the oven, please tell me if you do that, I need to know for scientific purposes)

"You wanna crack the eggs?" He looked at me confused. "I can't crack an egg." I rolled my eyes. "Yes you can, You act like you never been delicate before." I took out a bowl for mixing the eggs and put 2 strips of bacon on a pan as it heated up. "That's because I haven't." He looked serious. "So you're not delicate with me?" I crossed my arms at his comment. "Well with you I am but-" I cut him off. "No but's. Cmere and crack this egg." He looked at me with an eye brow raised. "You heard me."

He just groaned as he slowly stood up and stood in front of the bowl. I turned around and flipped the bacon. I quickly turned back around and grabbed an egg. "Just like this, Lightly tap it on the counter top till you get a crack," I heard the crack and looked at, it showing him. "Then you slowly pull it apart from the crack." I slowly pulled it apart as the egg fell out of the shell, into the bowl. I looked up at him. "Your turn." I smiled and went back to my bacon putting down two more strips.

I quickly turned back around and watched him. He tapped the egg on the side of the counter. "There you go, now slowly pull it apart." And he did as told as the egg fell out into the bowl. "I told you!" I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Yeah yeah." He tried to hide his smile. "Now do two more." "Ok." I put the bacon on a plate once it was done and I cleaned out the pan about to use it for the eggs.

"I'm done." He looked at me as I dried the pan. "Good job." I put it back on the burner and put a slice of butter in the pan as I grabbed the bowl from Logan and whipped it with a fork. "How do you do it?" He asked as I poured the whipped eggs in the pan. "What you mean?" "You just take care of me and do so much for me." I smiled as a scrambled the eggs.  "I'm your girlfriend Logan, I'm supposed to take care of you." I finished the eggs and turned the burner off. "Breakfast is ready." I turned around and saw him facing me with his arms crossed and a bright smile. "I love you." He said making my heart melt. I kissed his forehead, "I," I kissed his cheek. "Love," I kissed his other cheek. "You," Then I kissed his lips happily and he held me by my waist, keeping me close. "Too." I whispered from our close embrace.

"Now make yourself a plate, I know you're hungry." I pecked his lips before turning around. But, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "What if I'm hungry for you?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist, making us close. "Then you'll have to eat later, Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I pecked his lips again. "Ok ok." He let me pull him to the table with his wrist.

I made him sit down and I went back into the kitchen, and made both of us plates. I walked back over and placed it in front of him. When I walked passed him he slapped my butt, making me jump. "Thank you." He said smiling. I sat down across from him and started to eat. "Yeah, Yeah."

*       *         *          *

I had grabbed our plates and put them in the sink and started doing the dishes. "You don't have to do the dishes." I heard Logan say behind me. "There's not that much. It's ok" I put the plate on the drain board. "Turn around I got something I wanna show you." He said as I felt his presence behind me. "Gimme one second..." I drew out, finishing the pan.

I turned around and saw Logan on one knee with a beautiful diamond ring inside. He held a bright yet confused face as I covered my mouth in surprise. "I know the ring isn't that much, but I thought it'll be enough," He stopped but continued. "Will you uh, marry-" "Yes!!" I cut him off as he stood up and I jumped in his arms. "I love you." He whispered in my ear as he picked me up swinging me around in the kitchen. "I love you too." I said happily.

He put me down and I grabbed his face kissing him everywhere. "I'm gonna be you're wife. You're gonna be my husband." I said still stunned. "And you're gonna be the best wife, because, you're my wife." He held my chin and kissed me again. He slowly pulled away and grabbed my hand putting the beautiful ring on my finger. "I'm not done the dishes yet..." "Who cares about the dishes?" He kissed my forehead as I snuggled into his chest.

"If we have a boy first... His name is gonna be Isaiah." I smile as I felt him chuckle. "If its a girl. Coraline." I looked up at him. "That's... Different. I like it." I smiled.


That was weird sorry. I hope you enjoyed my junk. But i'm have a great day, or night, or evening, A great anything really. I love you guys. Byyyeeeeee♥️♥️♥️♥️

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