Chapter 13.5-Victorious

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(2 hours later, Momo POV)

   Recovery girl came out of her surgery room with some news, "How is he Recovery girl?! Is he alright," "I don't want to get your hopes up...but...he's better than I'd expected. I didn't think that he'd be able to survive having his organs mostly destroyed, but when I used my quirk they rapidly regenerated. So he's better than ever, and he's waiting for you!" I was overjoyed at the fact that Izuku was alive and completely fine (Shutup, I can't have the main character in this story be a mini All Might with his organs destroyed, he has to be at 100% or it'll be bad), I went into the room to see him trying to stand up, He looked over to the door and his face lit up like a lamp. He stood on his legs and came over and hugged me, "MOMO! its so good to see did I win the battle?" I hit him on his head causing him to hold it, "You're an Idiot Izuku Midoriya," I hugged him and kissed his forehead, "But you're my idiot" I said as I cried tears of joy. "I-I guess I am" he said as he blushed, "and yes you did win the battle, so guess what. We're officially together again". "Uh-Uh, if we're gonna be together its gotta be on my terms" Izuku said proudly, "fine ya' big lug," "So Momo, would you like to go on a date after I get my medal?" "Of course, I'd love to go on a date with you!" Izuku then pumped his fist into the air and grabbed mine, "C'mon, we wouldn't want to be late" he then pulled me towards him and picked me up like a bride. We then ran off towards the podiums to be awarded our medals,  we were close to the arena when I heard Present Mic, "WE WILL NOW BE AWARDING THE MEDALS TO THE CONTESTANTS, SINCE THE FIRST PLACE IS NOW BACK TO FULL HEALTH!!" Izuku then brought me onto the field, "Izuku shouldn't I be in fourth place? I thought I lost in the battle against Bakugou since I didn't fight in it?" "Shoot, must've slipped my mind! Recovery girl told me that Shouto came in last place and was suspended for 1 month, so guess what. You came in 3rd place, and Bakugou came in 2nd place". He then brought me to the third place podium and placed me on it, since Bakugou was already on the second place podium Izuku took his place on the first place podium. "NOW ALL MIGHT, WOULD YOU GIVE THESE WINNERS THEIR MEDALS THAT THEY DESERVE" All of a sudden a figure came down from the sky, "WATASHI GA KITA" All Might said from the smoke. "YEEEAAAAA, IT'S EXACTLY LIKE ALL MIGHT SAYS" "You should shut up" Eraserhead said, "Yes, I'm sorry" Present Mic said quietly. "Okay, well Young Momo, you did a great job in the sports festival, I commend you for making it this far," he then gave her an awkward hug since...ya know. He than took the third place medal and hung it around her neck, he then walked towards Bakugou, "You did a great job fighting against Izuku, Young Katsuki you were great during the entire festival, so don't get yourself down!" All Might then hugged Bakugou. Bakugou started crying because of All Might's encouragement but only let a couple of his tears be shown, All Might then walked up too Izuku. "I'm sorry that you were injured Izuku my boy, but even so you still did great getting to first place, and it even looks like you helped some of your fellow students out" All Might then hugged Izuku and whispered something to him. All might then backed out of the hug and Izuku replied to his statement, "I'm sorry All Might, maybe you could find someone else?!" "*Sigh*, I understand my boy, I understand". "AND THAT CONCLUDES UA'S FIRST YEAR SPORTS FESTIVAL, WE'LL SEE YOU ALL FOR THE SECOND YEAR PORTION SOON!!!" Present Mic announced.

Yes I know this chapter is short, Yes I know this chapter doesn't explain the flashback, and yes I know that this is getting too long. Do I really care...No. I wrote this chapter with passion and care, so I like it and I hope you do too, this is your author signing off. PEACE.

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