Chapter 12 - Fighting Against Yourself and Rivals

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(Izuku POV)
          I was stretching on the open field waiting for my first opponent to show up, "Will Shinso please come to the arena for your battle, you have 10 minutes". I waited for him to appear from his hallway to stop stretching, "So Midoriya, are you everything I hear about from Class 1-A, or will you Crumble". 'He obviously think he can beat me, if so then what's his quirk? Can he brainwash me or something? I'll have to fight him to find out', "LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE" Announced Midnight Sensei. "So how does it feel to be born with such an amazing quirk, Must be Fuckin' Great" Shinso Said from his corner, "To ans-", 'I-I can't move my body, What's going on?!'. "Now make this match easy and walk out of the arena" Shinso commanded, my body was still standing where I stopped. My body tensed up and my breathing became erratic, He showed up again, "Hello my son, How are you doing, I can see that you can't move," The demon spoke, "All the More Perfect" he roared out. 'P-Please let me move' I thought as my demon came closer and touched my head, I could start to feel my consciousness fade from existence. I looked towards the crowd trying to get anyone to help me but it was futile, "Ahh, you should stop struggling Izuku, soon you'll die thanks to me". My eyes landed upon the one that I loved, 'Momo, I'm sorry that I won't be there with you', 'NO' I heard another voice say. 'YOU CANNOT GIVE UP, DON'T LET HIM GET THE BETTER OF YOU, YOU'RE STRONGER THAN HIM. SO FIGHT IZUKU, FIGHT OFF YOUR DEMONS'. My body tended up until the point where I could finally move. I willed my fist to punch me in the face to snap me out of this, I felt the impact of a fist in my face, I was back in reality. "H-How did you do that?" Shinso asked, "Sheer Willpower" I responded, "You are an idiot, my quirk has aff-" he was thrown out of the arena by a well placed punch to the solar plexus. "You're the idiot for believing I would fall under your control again," I went over to him and offered him my hand, "why are you helping me, Is it out of pity?!". I saw his eyes tear up as he slapped my hand away, "y'know the correct answer to that yourself," I walked off of the field, "And by the way, they aren't cheering for me," I left him with time to process what I just said.

      I sat in the stands watching the last fight of the first set, It was between Momo and Ibara Shiozaki. So far Momo was having a tough time battling against the vine user, she was against the edge of the arena when I cheered her on, "I KNOW YOU CAN WIN MOMO, SO DO IT!!". Todoroki shot glares filled with venom at me but I didn't care, I wanted, no, NEEDED Momo to win this fight, since it would be sad to watch my girlfriend lose in the first round. Momo's quirk started to activate, A small flash of light in the shape of a sword came out of her body, She pulled out a machete and started to cut at the vines Ibara was producing. After a bit Momo made it to Ibara and kicked her out of the arena, Momo won her first match.... I was on the field once again and I was prepared to fight Iida, "Iida," I called out to him, "You ready for a good match". "Of course I am Midoriya, I expect you to not hold anything back when fighting me" "Heh, course not". "LET THE BATTLE COMMENCE" As Midnight finished saying that Iida raced towards me with a mighty kick, he made contact with my body, but I grabbed his leg and planted my feet into the ground, I used the momentum of his kick to spin him around an throw him towards the boundaries. He was about to leave the arena when he used a recipro burst to fly towards me, I disappeared and reappeared in front of him to counter his kick with a kick of my own. "RECIPRO BURST/TORNADO KICK" We were suspended in the air for a few moments, when a sudden burst of wind came from the collision of kicks and blew most of the audience out of their seats, It also sent Iida flying into the sky just like Mineta that one time. I landed on the ground and Midnight announced me as the winner, But since Iida would die if I didn't catch him I jumped off before she could announce it. Iida was still flying in the air when I caught up to him, "YA NEED HELP GETTING DOWN," I shouted to him, "I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE THAT" he was now falling at a rate that continued to increase. I couldn't catch him in this jump so I landed on the city floor and jumped up in the air to catch him like a bride, (Don't get any funny Ideas!) I landed on the ground with him and jumped back to the sports festival.

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