Minnesota, Brainerd.

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I entered the Town, seeing large buildings. Bright signs sticking high above the ground, endless colors of multiple cars, trucks. Humans walking on streets, entering buildings. Stands that cooked all sorts of meats, my eyes wandered everywhere. People were happy until I appeared. All heads turned to me, with wide eyes. It was silent 

for a moment, until one boy ran across the road, away me, screaming "AHHHH!". Everyone screamed as well and followed his lead. Running on the road, into buildings. Spreading everywhere. I began to walk onto the road, my large, heavy feet denting the cement. Leaving my foot shape in it, my long tail swaying side to side as I take each step. My mouth opened as I let out a booming roar. I looked down to see the tiny strangers running away from my feet, screaming, gasping for breath for how much energy they lost by running. Cars swerved into eachother, causing fires to erupt from them. Some other cars kept driving but away from me. Everything AND everyone were hurrying to save themselves. I noticed the parents have left their children behind just to save themselves from me.

I kept stomping through the town, in a speedwalk motion. I heard. . . Sirens in the distance, from in front and behind me. What was that...? But I didn't get scared. I just kept walking my way, sniffing the air. Trying to pick up their scents, this time. I did.


smells of humans I'm looking for. I

walked toward it, I roared again, wanting people to move. And they did. Most covered their ears from how loud my roar was. I saw black and white cars swerved and stop, lining up across the road so I couldn't get passed. What caught my attention is that they wouldn't move out of the way.

What am I supposed to do now? Just let them boss me around? Pfft. No. I'm gonna show them who's the ACTUAL boss. I looked down at them, as humans got out of the cars. Holding....Guns. I suppose. Is what they held. They were communicating in a language I couldn't understand. But I noticed they aimed their little weapons at me. And pulled the triggers. As little darts flew out of them, and hit me. Feeling shocking liquids fly through my body, I let out another booming roar. But from the pain. I lowered onto all fours (Hands and feet), and opened my mouth wide as I could. My tongue shot out and wrapped around one man. Then pulled him into my mouth, biting down. Swallowing him whole. Darts continued to shoot at me. I ignored them and walked over the cars, my large feet crushing them. The claws on my fingers dug into the ground, as I ran away. Still following the scents of the two victims. A car ran under me, one of the tires drove into my foot. From sudden action, I lifted my foot and stepped on it. Crushing the human inside it. I didn't look back, my eyes...Landed on a school. They're in there...

To be continued...

Avenge Him -AbdulRaptor Story Where stories live. Discover now