Victim Two

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My head turned, looking to my right. I was on my second mission; Victim number two. And kill them. I sniffed the air, searching for the fleshy scent. I could smell it. But it was so far away. I need to find them. I shifted my body, struggling to get it to turn the other direction. My legs bent, I was leaning on my front arms. I slowly walked forward, down the other end of the hallway. My eyes searching the area: Bathroom, red painted walls, pictures of human faces. None were the victim I was looking for. I kept walking, or "crawling". My back was rubbing up against the ceiling, it hurt so much. But I ignored the burning sensation and didn't stop. The spikes on my head were cutting through the cement and bricks. Little pieces bouncing off my head and fell to the ground. It was such a struggle to get through this thin hallway, because of my size. Just the fact my body is rubbing up against the cement hurt like hell. Needles that were sticking out of the walls cut my thick skin. I didn't stop!

I finally made it out of the hallway, I was in a. . . . Unpopulated area. It was big enough for me to be in. My eyes scanned it all; Six rooms, windows, doors, a clock on one wall. Purple painted, cemented walls, a few desks sitting on the side of the walls. Large. .  . Cylinderated pole-like things held the ceiling. A tablet between two of the poles. My eyes blinked, a thing layer of skin cleaning my pupils. As my pupils dilate, they move away, back into my eyesockets. I lick my chops, knowing the victim is here. I take a step forward, my left hand moves onto the rug. The claws tear into it, The raised claw on toe connected to my foot taps the floor. Making a tap tap sound, it's not my fault my toe does that. I guess I made to do it. I'm. . . Kinda related to the Indoraptor in a way. Except Im much bigger. And stronger.

I took another step closer, then another. Another. . . Another. . .

Until. The Bell rang.

My head raised, confused on what that sound was coming from. I saw a small golden bell shaking uncontrollably. I growled, getting annoyed. And slashed at it, throwing it to the ground, breaking it. All of a sudden: KIDS came running out of the rooms, but stopped when they saw me. Their eyes widened, I hear them talk.

"Is that real? Or a statue?"
"Uhm, What are we supposed to do??"
"Is it fucking real?!"
"It's scary. I don't know if I should run or not.."

I'm real, alright. But I just freezed, studying all the faces. Blonde hair: No. Black hair: No. Cur- No. All were not the vic- WAIT! There. My eyes caught him: Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing green shirt with blue jeans. Black shoes, it was a match. I didn't attack, I just stayed motionless. Like a statue. My plan was for him to get close enough so I could strike. Without being caught alive. I will win. No. Matter what. I'll win. No human with guns will stop me.

He just stared at me, then laughed and shouted to everyone "Pfft! Guys! Looks like someone wanted to scare us! It was probably that fatass, Vory!" Vory. Fatass? Now that was him. Insulting my owner like that? Oh boy. I'll give him a slow AND PAINFUL death. Everyone just laughed at his retarded little joke. It wasn't funny. My pupils miosis, meaning I was VERY angry. He walked slightly, but he kept making jokes.


"Vory, if you don't come, I'll kick your ass!"
"Voorrrryy! Your parents want youuu!"
They all laughed again. One boy threw his books at me, bouncing off my shoulder blade. I didn't react, they laughed even harder. One other stabbed his pencil into my finger. Okay. Fuck it. Im done!

My hand raised and grabbed the guy who stabbed me. I bit down and tore his head off, swallowing. I threw the body at James, the bully, as he fell over. I let out a roar and striked forward. My tongue wrapped around the two of them (James and the dead body), and pulled the two into my mouth. Swallowing them whole, I roared again. They all screamed and ran away. I didn't even bother to kill them, I shifted my body. Then saw.

The Police.

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