Happy Birthday Johnny

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78 years. You'd be 78 years old if you were still here. I find it hard to believe  you've been gone so long, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you. I wish I could have been with you more after The Beatles broke up but you lived so far away and something inside you changed but you were still the same John Lennon I loved all those years ago.

October 9th, 1967
I had planned a party for John, everyone he cared about was going to be there, Ringo, Maureen, George, Pattie, Yoko, Julian, Mimi, and of course Linda and I.

Me and Linda arrived at Mimi's early in the morning to start setting up for the party. We had brought presents and a couple of bottles of wine. Mimi was almost like my second mother, I loved her very much and began helping her in the kitchen. Since it was a special occasion, I decided to cook lobster tails for everyone along with fettuccine and steamed vegetables. Though, what Mimi was baking sent a sweet aroma throughout the house, it was a chocolate cake in the oven. While Mimi was making the frosting I decided to check on Linda in the living room.

There were streamers and balloons strung across the ceiling, a table that held what gifts there were so far, and a record player spinning an Elvis disc.
Though this party seemed decorated for a five year old, John was still one at heart and I knew this would satisfy John.

Ringo and George had arrived with their wives and there was satisfying amount of presents for John. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, I ran over and threw open the door before tightly hugging John. As the Lennon family walked inside I picked up Julian while John talked with Mimi. Julian was like the son I didn't have and I loved him very much, I hate to admit it but John wasn't the best father. Sometimes I think Julian reminds John a lot of his mother and that's why he neglects him at times, Yoko even calls him 'the mistake child' which I think is horrible because I would never dream of saying such a thing about Heather, John wouldn't say that about Kyoko either.

"I've got a present for you Julian." I said to him. He smiled shyly as I handed him a chocolate bar, I wasn't expecting him to thank me, he was quite shy, so I set him down and he sat on the couch.
"Don't spoil your dinner young lad." I warned him and he giggled cutely.

Mimi had set the table and called everyone to eat, after everyone had finished, we had our cake and sat in the living room where John began opening his gifts.

~later that night~

Everyone had left Mimi's house except for John, Mimi, and I, Mimi of course, was asleep upstairs. John and I sat alone downstairs, our thighs touching but we sat silent until I pulled a round locket from a small box. "I wanted to give this to you when we were alone." I said and handed the necklace to John. He opened it and smiled softly. Inside was a picture of Julian on one side and me on the other. "I figured you love us a lot, so keep it close to your heart." I could see his eyes fill with tears that threatened to spill. His lip quivered and his voice cracked as he spoke.
"The first love of my life," he said as he covered Julian's picture with his thumb, "and the second love of my life." He added as he covered my picture. I figured not to put Yoko in there because he was with her more than Julian or I and I wanted it to be special for John. We sat on that couch for the rest of the night, hugging, crying, laughing, and reminiscing about our past. And we were happy.

Happy birthday John, I miss you, we all do.

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