The Encounter

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P.O.V: Iris

As I was walking down the abandoned street, I heard something behind me. I quickly ran behind an old office building and peered carefully down the street. I had to squint to see what was barreling towards me and my eyes widened. There were at least five NW officers that easily weighed over three hundred pounds each walking towards me. But leading them was a boy that looked around my age. I looked around for better coverage but there was none. I knew I only had minutes before they would corner me. I took out my gun and tried to shoot down a few of the officers, but the wind picked up and the bullets went wide. It was like there was some supernatural fore that knocked the bullets away from their previous targets. Within seconds they had me surrounded, the boy standing in front of me.

"So, this is the great and powerful Iris. I have to say, you don't look much of a threat." The boy said.

As I looked at him, I felt some kind of connection. No, I tell myself, they killed my family. I raised my gun and pointed it at him. "You move, and I shoot without hesitation." I say, my voice harsh.

The boy simply flicked his wrist and the gun flew out of my hands. I looked at him with surprise. The boy smiles at me, and my attraction grew a little.

"There is no need to shoot anyone, Iris. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ajax Fent." He holds out his hand to me, but I was too busy looking at the five NW officers with their clubs. Ajax looked around at his guards.

"Relax, Iris. They won't hurt you. I promise."

I have a flashback to the last time someone had told me that. My parents had said that right before they were turned to ash. My blood began to boil with anger and rage. The fire in my eyes grew and within seconds I was a human torch. Although I was surprised, I didn't waste time and I lunged at the nearest officer, catching his clothing on fire as I landed a round house kick to his face and breaking his nose. Then I ran around and torched each of the officer's uniforms and kicked their legs from underneath them. I turned to Ajax, who whistled in mock awe and clapped his hands.

"Thanks for that lovely show Iris, but I'm afraid it has to end." He says with a fake disappointment and then he winks at me.

My flames had reached three-feet high, but when he winked, I was dowsed in water that seemed to come from nowhere. I was a little exhausted and shocked, but I still tried to put up a fight. I attempted to punch his face several times, but he blocked it every time.

"I would love to stay and play longer, but I have a schedule to keep." Ajax then snapped his fingers and a NW officer, who had put out his uniform, raised his club. I felt pain explode across my head with a loud THUD! Then everything went black.

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