A Little Present

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P.O.V: Ajax

When I walk in, she is already laying down in her bed but sits up as soon as she sees me. I notice the tear stains on her face.

"Hello, Iris." I say.

I look around the dimly lit cell and snap my fingers. The light is brighter and she has to shield her eyes to see me. Iris doesn't say anything so I continue.

"Iris, I know this all seems a little.....harsh, but these people are taking necessary precautionary measures."

That was the wrong thing to say. Iris's eyes have flames in them like before.

"Harsh? You call making me watch my parents vaporize harsh?" She is practically yelling.

I look around to make sure no one is within ear shot and sit next to her.

"Look, I know what that feels like. They tortured me until I finally broke." I look down, remembering the day they finally broke me. I don't know what made me do it, but I told her something that not many people know of. I hear Iris take a deep breath.

"Maybe we can help each other." She suggests.

I look up at her and see the light of hope in her eyes. After everything that she's been through, she still has the courage to hope.

"Maybe." I reply.

Iris smiles at me. It was the first time since my mother passed, that I saw an actual smile. Not a forced one, but a smile that reaches her eyes.

"So, what happened to you?" Iris asks carefully.

I consider not telling her anymore, but the look in her eyes puts me at ease.

"Well, they made me watch my mom be executed when I was fourteen years old. They had found out that my mom was a witch and that I had inherited her magic." Tears begin to fall from my eyes and I take a deep breath.

"They starved me of food, water, and sunlight. I didn't know if it was day or night outside. They would do tests on m and most of them consisted of these grey, rabid, and hungry dogs. I kept hoping that one day, it would all end. He kept telling me that if I agreed to work for Him, then I would have a wonderful life." I look up from the spot on the floor I was staring at.

Iris had tears in her own eyes, but she quickly wiped them away and put on a brave face when I looked up.

"Well, those days of torture are over." She says softly.

I nod slightly and she wipes a tear from my face, her hand cautiously reaching up. Once again I feel a wave of energy. Iris must have felt it this time because her eyes grow wide. Iris bites her lip as if she is deciding something. She drops her hand from my face and says,"Do you feel like....in a way that...." She pauses but I already know what she's about to say.

"We're connected." We say in unison.

"Ya. But I'm not sure why, Iris." I reply. I take a deep breath and reach inside my jacket pocket. Iris tenses up immediately but relaxes when I pull out a small journal. I look at the brown leather cover and smile sadly.

"This was how me and my mom used to communicate when we were separated." I pull out an identical journal with a black leather cover.

Iris looks confused so I explain. "Whatever you write in one journal, the other person can see it in the other journal." I hand her the brown leather journal and Iris takes it cautiously. Iris doesn't trust me fully, but I can see she is beginning to.

She looks at the book then up at me. "Why would you give me this?" She asks, almost as if she can't believe how nice I'm acting.

I give her a small smile. "Because I can talk to you without anyone getting suspicious......And so I can help you."

Iris looks down at the book again and says, "This is actually the nicest thing I've ever been given." She smiles sadly.

I look at my own journal and think about the things my mom used to write to me and our long conversations. We tried to keep our minds off of our situation at the time and just talk about normal things like school. And girls.

I feel Iris wrap her arms tentatively around me. I was surprised. No one has hugged me since my mom. I slowly hugged her back then stood up. I glance at my silver watch and realize I have been here for a little longer than I expected. I placed the black journal back in my pocket and turn to leave.

"Ajax?" Iris says quietly.

I turn back around and look at her and she smiles at me.

"Thank you."

I just nod my head and walk away, closing the door behind me. Somehow I knew we would write to each other a lot.

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