Too Close

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P.O.V : Iris

That's for holding my hand and making my heart race and my cheeks turn pink. If he wants to do that, then two can play at that game. The sly smile was still playing across my lips. I laugh at the surprised look Ajax gave me and knew that it affected him more than that look he gave me let on. Three guards interrupted my thoughts but there was something unsettling about them. They all had evil smiles and a murderous look in their eyes. As they grabbed me, I tried to break free of their iron grips. The one who wasn't holding me had a club, which I found out he loves to use. Whack! The over-sized guard had hit his club against my back and it knocked the wind out of me, and my knees almost buckled. I forced myself to keep upright before I could fall to the ground. I struggled again and this time, the guard hit me twice. Whack! Whack!! Each hurt more than the one before it. He hit my back again the my shoulder. My shoulder throbbed but I kept fighting. This time all three guards stopped walking, and the one with the club walked in front of me. I had gone too far. I glared up at him and he just gave me a nasty smile. He didn't bother with his club. The guard punched me in the face, then my gut. The punches weren't enough to knock me out, but enough to leave a nasty bruise.

"There's plenty more where that came from, Flamehead." The guard with the club said and all three guards laughed at his joke.

I shot them all a deadly glare. We finally reached a white, sterile room which they threw me in and locked the door. When I looked around, I realized it was actually a long hallway that I couldn't see the end of because it was dark. My instincts told me that something bad was at the end of the hallway. Then I heard it. The sound of an animal running towards me, its paws clicking against the tile floor. I heard it howl with anger, but then three more howls answered the first. When they came close enough for me to see them, my breath caught in my throat. They were half-dead dogs with long, sharp teeth and they were skinny, but despite that, their muscles bulged. The four dogs have slowed to a walk like they were stalking their prey. Only I was their prey.

They looked like they came from Hell as they began to crouch. I let my instincts take over and my body tensed up, ready for one of them to pounce on me. The one on my far left bounded towards me, mouth open and ready to rip me to shreds. It happened faster than I thought was possible. My body had side stepped and kicked the dog in the right side of its stomach, sending the animal flying into the wall ten feet away. The dog didn't move, but the dog on my right did. I almost didn't see it running and then leaping into the air.

I ducked and it turned back around, running back towards me. This time I held my ground and kicked its face, sending the dog sprawling on the floor. Blood pooled around its head, making it look no longer vicious and menacing. The two dogs left came at me at the same time. I side stepped the first one, but the other managed to knock me down. The two dogs began to bite my legs and I felt teeth sinking deep into my left shoulder, the one that was hit from the club. I let out a small cry of pain. I was getting angry and I raised one of my legs and kicked a dog off of me, killing it in one blow.

Then I pushed the other dog off of me too and stood up. The last dog looked up at me and saw that my eyes were blazing. I took a few steps towards it, and surprisingly it took a few steps back. I stomped my foot on the hard floor, sending waves of pain up my right leg. The dog took off, running back to the end of the dark hallway. I looked down at myself and there was blood all over me.

The Hellish animals had bitten my arms, legs, and also the left side of my stomach was bleeding from an open wound. My face was swollen from the punch and I felt scratches on my cheeks. I turned around to the door and the three guards walked in. They looked around at the scene of three dead dogs and the fourth could be herd whimpering from here. They were all surprised at the outcome. I look a few steps towards them, but exhaustion and blood loss plunged me into unconsciousness.

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