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*Harry Styles*

He still hadn't seen me and I hoped he didn't. In that instant his blue eyes meet my green ones and just like before, his blue ones widened slightly before turning annoyed. I looked away and focused on my shoes. Mr. Tomlinson walked over to where Mr. DeVito and I were standing and scowled at him. "I would have been here on time if some idiot hadn't dropped his coffee on me and ruined my shirt." My cheeks reddened and I sent him a sly glare. He glared back at me. I snapped out of it when I heard Mr. DeVito clear his throat. "So Mr. Tomlinson, this is Harry Styles your personal assistant. He'll be there with you at all times, whenever you want." My head snapped to the sly director. "You did not tell me that I had to be with him 24/7." He just shrugged. "You should go and get ready Mr. Tomlinson, the shot will be ready in twenty minutes. And styles go with him and needs see if he needs anything." I just nodded and followed Mr. Tomlinson to the dressing room. He abruptly stopped by the door, making me run into his back. I groaned and hissed "Why did you stop you idiot!" He turned around in an instant and pinned me to the wall.

My eyes widened and I groaned in pain due to the pain. I smirked at him and said "For someone so small, you are quite strong." His eyes suddenly blazed in fury and he added more force and hissed "Shut your fucking mouth, or you'll regret it. Plus, I'm technically your boss. If you don't want to lose your job you better fucking stay out of my way." He glared at me and I glared back. I could feel his ragged breath hit my chin and I had to stop myself from gasping at out closeness. I shoved him away and muttered "Get away from me you asshole." He rolled his eyes and entered the room. I followed him and stood in a corner. I just watched him silently. He grabbed his clothes and went to the bathroom for changing. After about ten minutes he finally came out. Damn I had to agree he looked good. Like really really good. Suddenly his gaze snapped to mine and my eyes widened. Shit! He caught me staring. I quickly looked away hoping he won't comment. But of course he is fucking Louis Tomlinson. He smirked and said in a sickly sweet manner "Take a picture yeah Styles? It'll last longer." With that said he plopped down on his chair and the make up artist started doing his make up. I glared at his back. I hate him.

After he was done getting ready we made our way outside to the set. Mr. DeVito explained the first scene to Mr. Tomlinson but I zoned out. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt my phone buzz. I looked at Mr. Tomlinson and he seemed like he wouldn't need my help anytime soon. So I grabbed my phone and picked it up without looking at the caller ID. "Harry Edward Styles! I have been fucking worried about you. I called you like about 10 times but you fucking didn't pick up! You better have a good reason for it." I chuckled at Niall. "Nialler first of all you are as scary as a baby penguin and I have a damn good reason for not picking up. I am at the studio right now." I heard him squeal. I groaned and said "Babe I'm gonna turn deaf if you squeal like this." I head Niall laugh on the other end. Before I could respond I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw none other than Louis Tomlinson. He glared at me and I could tell by his expression that he was annoyed. "I called you for about 5 times but of course you didn't hear me because you were busy talking to your girlfriend." I rolled my eyes but didn't correct him. If that's what he wants to think, I'll let him. "What did you want?" He glared at me and said "I wanted some water. Go get me some." Now it was my turn to glare at him. I sneered "Who do you think I am? Your fucking servant?" He smirked at me and leaned forward. "You might as well be. I'm your boss and I can fire you whenever I want." I glared harshly at him but he just stared back at me with no emotion on his face. I stormed off to the cart which held water bottles and grabbed two. I went back and handed him the bottles with a fake smile. "Here you go Mr. Tomlinson." He glared at me and gulped down the water I gave him.

He threw one last glare at me before storming off. I decided to act indifferent towards Mr. Tomlinson because for some reason it makes him mad and he shuts up. I just watched them shoot for some time. I had to admit, Louis Tomlinson was a really good actor. He put emotions in his acting and it was something not many actor could do. Not that I am ever going to admit that to him or anyone. I don't understand how he can fake emotions so well because I have seen the emptiness in his eyes. I have no idea why is he so emotionless. I don't understand why did he have to act like such a jerk. I snapped out of thought when I heard my name being called. I rushed to Mr. Tomlinson's side and said "Yes sir? Did you need anything?" He looked at me for a few seconds before scowling and said "I need you to go call my make up artist. DeVito's going on about how bad the make up looks." I frowned and examined him closely. I frowned more. He looks fine. More than fine actually. His cheekbones popped out more due to the make up and he had some eyeliner which made his blue eyes pop out.

He cleared his throat and said "What are you looking at Styles? I know I don't look that great. Just fucking go and call her!" I shook my head and said "Its not that. You look good. I don't think you need anymore make up." His eyes widened for a split second and I could see shock and another emotion which I couldn't really identify because it was replaced by anger as he sharply glared at me. My brows furrowed. What the hell? "Just go and fucking get her here Styles. I will not repeat it. And stay out of my way." He hissed. I looked at him in confusion before sighing and making my way to the dressing room. I opened the door and popped my head inside "Ummm, Mr. Tomlinson needs you for a re-touch up." She just nodded and grabbed some basic items and walked with me. "Hi. My name's Taylor." I smiled at her and said "Hi. I am Harry. Mr. Tomlinson's personal assistant." She smiled at me and we walked further in silence. I stood a bit away from them and just looked at everything. Apparently today it was just Mr. Tomlinson who was required for the shoot, so Miss Campbell was not here.

At about one, Mr. DevVito finally called for a lunch break. I was at Mr. Tomlinson's side at an instant. He turned to me with a raised brow and asked "What do you want?" I stopped myself from rolling my eyes and said "Its lunch break and I thought you'd want something to eat because you haven't eaten since this morning." He narrowed his eyes at me and said "Did I ask you to bring me some food?" I shook my head. "Then don't fucking bother me!" I looked at him confused. Why was he getting mad at me? "I was just trying to be nice! Unlike you who just acts like an asshole." With that I stormed off not waiting for him to say anything because I knew he won't apologize. But I shouldn't be even thinking about that. I don't care if he starves. I huffed and decided to walk to a small diner that I saw while driving to the studio. I sat down at a booth and a waitress soon came and I ordered some fries, a burger and a coke. As I waited for the food, I decided to call Niall. I had hung up twice on the lad and I really felt bad. I dialed his number and he picked up on the first ring. "Harry fucking Styles, you are dead." I chuckled and said "I'm sorry Ni. I'm having a really busy day and my fucking boss isn't making it any easier. He is so difficult and a huge asshole. He is plain rude and does not eve apologize for his behavior."

I heard Niall Laugh at the other end and he said "Woah woah woah. Calm down mate. It'll be fine. Holy shit you met Danny DeVito and Louis Tomlinson. Even though I'm not gay I'll have to admit that lad is definitely fit and good-looking." I groaned and say "He might be good looking but he has a shitty personality and for some reason he loves making me suffer." He just laughed and said "Give him some time Harry. No one can ever hate you." I snorted and mumbled a whatever. My food arrived and I said my goodbyes to him and hung up. I quickly devoured the food. Despite my better judgment I decided to buy some fries and a burger for my jackass of a boss. Do not ask me why I did it, I just didn't want him to die due to starvation. Who will give me my salary if he died? Psshhh yeah right. I groaned and paid for everything and left the diner and walked to the studio.

It was already 1:45 and there were still 15 minutes remaining. I looked around the set but didn't see Mr. Tomlinson anywhere. I sighed and decided to check the dressing room. I was relieved when I found him sitting in the dressing room. I frowned when I noticed that he had his head in his hands and he was tugging at his hair. I cleared my throat but I failed to grab his attention. So I knocked on the already opened door and his head snapped upwards. His eyes looked red and his hair looked messy. He looked rather pale and his eyes held fear. What the fuck happened?

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