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*Harry Styles*

Its been two weeks since I last talked or saw Louis. Though I call Evie regularly and ask how he is doing. She told me that he is doing fine. He eats, but not as much as he should be. My mother has been continuously pestering me about walking the runway for her. I have refused so many times, but she just wont give up. Evie also told me that Louis seemed miserable, but I doubt it. He didnt want me around, neither did he care, so why would he be sad? He has been texting me alternate days, but I just delete them without opening them. I know that once I read a text from him, I wont be able to resist talking to him. Right now, I am sitting on my couch and waiting for my mum to show up for lunch. We have grown close again which I am grateful for. She has been spending time with me and makes sure to have at least one meal a day with me. I quite like this. I missed her so much.

My mother shows up ten minutes later with tears in her eyes. My brows furrowed and instantly get to my feet and walk to her. "Whats wrong mum?" I asked her gently. She looked at me and said "Ian cancelled! I don't have a male model anymore! I don't know what am I going to do now Harry! If I don't find a male model by tomorrow, I won't be able to showcase my male designs this time." I placed my hands on her shoulder and said "Hey mum, relax yeah? Come sit down. Well figure something out." She took a deep breath and let me guide her to the couch. I rubbed her back gently as she sniffled. "Did you try to ask other models? Did you ask Francisco Lachowski? Hes a good friend of yours isn't he?" She shook her head and said "I already asked him. Hes walking for Tommy Hilfiger. He always does." I sighed and said "Have you tried asking anyone else?" She nodded her head and said "I have tried asking each and every male model. They clothes either wont fit or they declined my offer saying the clothes were too girly or some other excuse."

I looked at my mum as she massaged her temples. I know how excited she was to launch men's line. She asked me to walk but I refused because of very good reasons, but maybe I can make an exception for her? 'You could not even stand your classmates, how are you going to handle a huge crowd? Plus you are not model material.' My sub-conscious mocks. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I can do this. I can do this for my mum. I slowly opened my eyes and took her hands in mine. She looked at me expectantly and I said "Mum, I will walk for you." Her eyes widened and she just stared at me for a few moments before saying "Are you sure Haz? I know how hard it is for you to associate with and be in a crowd." I shook my head gently and said "Mum, its fine. I want to try, for you." I saw tears shine in her eyes before she launched herself at me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back just as tightly. "Thank you so much honey. Ill help you through it, I promise. You have no idea how much this means to me." I rubbed her back and said "You don't need to thank me mum. You know I'll do anything for you. I love you." She sniffled in my chest and said "Thanks love. Thank you so much. I love you to." After we finished having lunch, my mother had to go since she was really busy due to the up-coming fashion-week. I decided to take a nap for some time as I was bored out of my damn mind. I could have called Niall but he was busy with his family. I headed up to my room and plopped down on the bed, face-first. In a few minutes, I am out like a light.

I groaned as I heard my phone ring. I blindly reached for it and groaned when I didn't find it. I leaned on my elbow and retrieved it from the night stand. My eyes widened when I saw the caller ID. I picked up immediately and said "Hello! Mr. Devito?" He snorted on the other end and said "Styles. Glad you picked up. Your voice is quite deep." I choked and said "Um I just woke up. Anyway, what did you need?"  "Oh yeah! I needed you to come pick up some papers and take them to Louis, make him sign it and bring it in by tomorrow." My face paled. Shit. I have no wish to see Louis again anytime soon. "Styles! Did you her me?" Mr. DeVito snapped. "Ye---yeah. I—I cant come today." There was silence on the other end before "You better bring your ass at the studio at five. I'll be waiting." Before I could protest, he hung up. I groaned and fell back on my bed.

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