First Week of Senior Year

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The first day of school, it was like any other year, walk in, find your classes, and hope to god you have good teachers. I'm one of the lucky ones, at least for this, since I got all awesome teachers. But at the time I had no clue this was one of the few things that was going to go right that day.

As a senior you have the ability to get an off campus pass to leave during lunch; majority of the seniors had them, including me. But that day I made the mistake of forgetting to put my ID on before leaving the house. From that point my day was destined to go sour.

My first three periods went by in a breeze, some doing actual work, others just playing icebreakers, but fourth hour is when my troubles started. My fourth hour is competition government, or more nationally known as We the People, and we were reviewing our summer work. I had completed everything and was ready to go but I was just so nervous to talk in front of people who I didn't really know and had the reputation of being extremely smart. I am already very insecure about the extent of my knowledge so this definitely didn't help.

After fourth hour came lunch, my friends all wanted to go off campus or were nowhere to be found. I would have gone off campus with them except for the one small problem, I didn't have my ID so I wouldn't be able to get out. Since they all left, I had nobody to sit with and resorted to sitting silently in my teachers classroom munching on my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with my side of strawberries.

After lunch came sixth and seventh, not extremely notable other than the girl in physics who believed she was Paris Hilton reincarnated. Happy to say that class was d r o p p e d.

After this day, the rest of the week wasn't too bad, other than not having a compañero in spanish class and feeling left out.

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