Don't Tell Sqaishey.. [EDIT]

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Sqaishy wakes up slowly, her eyes fluttering as she gets used to the glare coming out of the window. Sqaishy yawns and turns on her side, her arm reaching out to hug Stampy. To her surprise, all that met her was air. Sqaishy's eyes shoot open as she sits up. Where did Stampy go? Hmm, perhaps he went to make breakfast. Sqaishy smiles. That seems like what a sweetheart like Stampy would do.

To her dismay, after searching the house and calling her boyfriends name, he seemed to be nowhere. Ok, I'm actually starting to worry now, Sqaishy thinks. She starts pacing back and forth, thoughts rushing in her head. Where could he be? Did he go out for breakfast? Ugh, I can't even ask him, Stampy left his phone on his bedside table. Sqaishy stops and sighs.

Where could he be?


Stampy yawned as he slowly sat up. Hmm, what should I do today? He thought to himself. Perhaps I should film another Ni No Kuni let's play...but first, I should go to Melanie's house and tell her that I'm engaged with Sqaishy, Stampy thinks evilly. He quickly gets changed and enters his car. Cmon car hurry up...ahah! The car finally starts up and Stampy is on his way.

After about half an hour he finally reached Melanie's house, a beautiful white home in the suburbs. Stampy grins, ringing the doorbell. I can't wait to see the look on her face, Stampy thought. The door opens to show Melanie standing there in her pajamas.

"Hello Melanie!" Stampy says cheerfully. Melanie wrinkles her nose.

"Ew, get away from me Long nose." She taunts, starting to close the door. Stampy acts quickly, moving his foot to stop the door from closing.

"W-wait Melanie, there's something I need to tell you." Stampy says solemnly. Obviously he was acting, his heart belongs to Sqaishy. Melanie eyes widen as she opens the door again.

"Yes?" She smiles and flutters her eyes, and Stampy felt vomit come up his throat. Ew. He gulped it back down before delivering the line.

"I'm engaged to Sqaishy! We're really happy together!" Stampy says with a smirk on his face. He watched as Melanie's jaw drops.

"What? NOOOO!" She howls. "GET OUT OF HERE!" She kicks at Stampy but he quickly dodges, and runs back to his car, chuckling all the way. Revenge feels good.


"Sqaishy? I'm home!" Stampy says, entering the household. He hears a gasp and the sounds of footsteps. Sqaishy comes around the corner and Stampy is shocked. Sqaishy has tears running down her cheek, and in her hand her finger is hovering over calling 911.


Uh oh, Stampy thought. I've really messed up this time, huh?

THANKS SO MUCH  FOR WRITING THIS AMAZING CHAPTER EDIT FOR Dont Tell Sqaishey...! I really love it! ALL THE BEST! PurpleFlamme .  

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